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Marie Jun 21
she was born a half formed thing
holes in her soul
not enough effort left over
to raise her better
in her gasping wet breaths
she tried to be smaller
but only swallowed more
becoming lovers with her failure
missing the eyes and ears to know
she reached for an absent future
only learning later
she was made in the perfect shape
of their shame
Marie Jan 2022
i grew spines
when one was never enough.
should I thank you
for lessons learned?
Marie Jan 2015
I can be,
Just by myself.

And yet;

If I could breathe a dream,
It would be the one on your passenger side window.
I traced the veins of my heart
And found you tangled.
Marie Apr 2022
Happiness tucks itself inside her smile
Distrust slides its scales between her fingers

Beware to those who would love her
For you never know what else follows
Marie Dec 2017
pull up your bootstraps
wipe off your chins
our mouths may bleed
but these hearts
are iron armored
lets keep them out
just like we practiced
Marie Aug 2018
If love can be a habit
I can be the nail
that you bite
with an absent mind
"don't sell yourself short"

"Too late"
Marie Aug 2017
They made her like a star

And never forgave her when she fired.
Still she carries their black skies in her scars
To remind her to never be a good daughter.
Marie Feb 2022
he didn't tell you
to put that ring on
but he might as well have
when the invoice was done
Marie Jan 2022
on the seventh day
the butterfly wing pages
covered in holy script
would wrap around
an insidious tongues sermon
pressing her heart to confess
to dark watchful eyes
its ungodly shape

fingernail made moons
bled her supplication
colored the pale, deaf air
with a desperate repentance
too garish and late
for them to ever deem her
worthy of being saved

along her raw fragile skin
temptations filth still crawled
sin too scarlet to be washed
to pay forgiveness' price
her body was to be tithed
the crimson covered over after
by her favorite wool white
Sunday Best dress

                            jesus' cup
                            still not full enough
Marie Feb 2022
she thought he grasped
every atom inside of her
so gently
that surely she would break

                 p                               r

but he kept her all together
Marie Oct 2023
You           (stutter
                   like there's something more to say)

I                (move
                   like there's somewhere else to go)
Marie Jan 2022
one time I tried to be optimistic,
well, let's just say it didn't turn out real great.
Marie Jul 2017
                                                    l           ­       
i looked at the sky     l
and                               a
wondered how to f

when everyone else
knew to fly
maybe i'll never learn.
Marie Jan 2022
so that when you are lost, I can get lost with you too.
"There are days I feel like I'm lost."
he said scraping the bottom of his heart.
"There are days I feel like getting lost."
was her hopeless one's only answer.
Marie Oct 2023
I've been made like poison;
Carefully measured,
Sweet and sour flavored.
Marie Jan 2022
He thought of her laugh
in the wet winters,
remembering what it felt like
to live in the warm summer.
Marie Dec 2017
morning light
cuts my soul
gently divides
lost from whole
and i don't want to lose too much
Marie Feb 2022
her hometown was
a tale of ole
a gasping ghost born
by a rush of gold
and great depression
it was full of stolen
selkie daughters
in a dust bowl sea
their hidden skins rotten
dead men hollowed
but still walking
their mined hopes left
emptied and long forgotten
she left it all behind
to wet her bones
in her landlocked grave
america's very own
born and raised
lady of the lake
there she still lay                  
a small-town myth                
of what it’s like                      
to have lived being haunted
Marie Dec 2017
You said jump in
And my bare skin burned
In the front seat

You said almost beautiful
And I watched every mirror
To find what was missing

You said use your words
And I used them all
Until my tongue was numb

You said straighten up
And my kinks were flat
against that hardwood floor

You said I liked make believe
And I knew
To go along with the story

When I was fifteen
They said I was young
And I felt younger still
Marie Jan 2022
the concrete ate
at their soles
while they looked
for the ones
they had lost

— The End —