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i wanted to tell you i loved you,
but the butterflies in my stomach swarmed my throat, and all the words got caught in their wings
So happy this was picked for the daily! Thank you all so much for your kind words and support of my writing. I appreciate it, truly.
I remember when saying your name
made me swell
Even when we went our seperate ways
letting every syllable of yours
rolll of my tongue
felt sweet
My lips would curve around
each letter letting them slip slowly
from my mouth.

But now,
my throat tightens
chokes against every letter
You have a short name
but it feels like i suffocate against it
Lips pressed tightly against
I dare the letters to sound like they used to
Now your name slices up my tongue
Cracks againsty teeth
Stumbles out silently
What once felt like home, now,
Feels so foreign to my fragile lips
I wanted to name a poem after you,  it was still  too hard to do.  -Always, Trouble.
 Jul 2015 Marian Dominique
 Jul 2015 Marian Dominique
The stars follow her
everywhere she goes
When she gets lost,
she will let them guide her home.

Thee moon sings her lullaby
While she watches it look at the earth
With a certain longing
Not so very new to her.

And the sun,
Well it bleeds for her pain every evening
And paints the scarlet love all over the sky

The planets spin
Ever so slowly
So that she doesn't trip
And yet keeps progressing

The galaxies reside in her
Demanding her attention
To first name each stars that reside within her
Then look anywhere else

The light travels
Miles and miles
Only to land at her feet,

And the wind blows
She has heard them sigh
Because they are never able
To stay still
And just have a long look at her

So don't feel bad for her
Don't underestimate her power
Because she is kind enough
For she has got the whole universe with her.

-Aditi Kumari
"Baby, let me be the one to name every star inside your soul"
Baby, you can, because they have never shone better than when you were there appreciating their spark :*

— The End —