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 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
2:43 am
 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
does it hurt knowing i'm hurting
does it burn knowing i'm burning
does the sting from your chaotic brain ever lead you to believe that the hurt will always hurt because of what you cant see  
- M.
The main part of me ...

do you know ....
do you feel ...
do you realize ...
did you got ...
how much i love you ...
wish you do ....
wish you realize ...
how much i adore you ...
i know ...
that i love you ...
and have no power ...
ever to forget you ...
because ...
i got thousand reasons ...
to keep you so deep inside ...
and the mainly reason is...
just i love you ...
because since that time...
which i saw you ...
the whole world smiled ...
smiled to me ...
gave me another happiness ...
that i never felt before ...
felt that i owned the world ...
and all happiness in this world ...
between my hands ...
and so deep inside the heart ...
that's all because i loved you ...
and still keeping your love ...
with me with so many years ...
with no give up ...
with no bore ...
do you know why ...
because you always with me ...
live with me with every second ...
with every breathe i breathe ...
until you became a part of me ...
the main part of me ...
that makes me alive ...
and gave a happiness to my souls ...
it's the main part ...
which we call it heart...
yes my sweetheart ...
you are the the heart to my body ...
as you are the soul to my life all ...

sweet mainly part of me ...
do you know now ...
how much i adore you ...
and how much you mean ...
for me and for the body of me ...
for my heart ...
which it's you ...

so please sweetheart ...
please feel me more ...
and never **** me again ...
just keep feeling me ...
and take care of my heart ...

hazem al ...
 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
I am smiling.
I am smiling because I am writing.

I am frowning.
I am frowning because my wifi won't connect.

I am laughing.
I am laughing because of a bad joke my sister made.

I am crying.
I am crying because I was betrayed by someone I thought was my friend.

I am shouting.
I am shouting because someone insulted me, and I will not stand for it.

I am wondering.
I am wondering who I am, and if maybe my poems are a part of that.

What is your name?
I don't know mine, yet.
I can see snippets of it. Letters. Pieces.

I am somebody who smiles, frowns, laughs, cries, shouts, and wonders.
That's all I know right now.
But you know what they say-
You learn something new every day.
I'm really trying to figure out who I am right now. I'm trying to figure out things like my sexuality and style, but also who I want to be and what I want to do, and how I can get there. I don't know a lot, but I know for sure that I am a poet and that I love writing, and I'm sure that I'll know more than that in the future. But for now, I'm just a writer, and I'm okay with that.
 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
from the edge i can almost see the whole view
how wind blows hard and gently calms down
steeply ***** and seemingly non ending plains
dynamic  climates and static landscape
chameleon scenery and unforgiving dear soul
The night is silent
Not a sound goes around
The air is still
I can hear my heart pound
Thoughts of you come rushing through
Carefully easing the stress
Only you are in my mind
For once it's not a mess
I close my eyes and try to sleep
The silence is too thick
For all the feelings that I get
They simply just won't click
It's 2 am and I can't sleep. This is why you shouldn't drink Vietnamese iced coffee at 3pm!
 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
Basil lee
When we are close
The ground lights on fire
When we are far
The ground covers in ice
If you are too far
I freeze
if you are too close
I burn
 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
The moon
is my only company
when I'm walking
down dimly lit streets.

I don't mind
that she knows
how I think.

I can tell she likes
the secrets I keep.
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