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It is what it is
This thing between us
Cigarettes between your lips
The careful touch of your fingertips

It is what it is
This thing you don’t care about
Saying you hate me all day long
From your mouth it sounds like a song

It is what it is
This thing that consumes us
Bruised necks and stained sheets
It’s more than a fight between athletes

It is what it is
This nothing that will last forever
The weight of the world light as a feather
Just as long as we stay together

It is what it is
*I think love might feel like this
 Jun 2016 Rancel
Dana Colgan
Strobes of light bounce around you
And the forces keep pulling me in.
Im out of my depth in this moment,
But the forces keep pulling me in.

The mystery compels me forward
And the shadow keeps me away.
Out of the darkness you appeared
To take me to solace once more.

Passion seeps from your words,
And the forces keep pulling me in.
Im scared to let myself go,
But the forces keep pulling me in.
We're done
We're through
Just let it be
I can't take anymore
I'd rather you dead than alive
I'm sick of your nicks and picks
Without you I'd be in heaven
You're not one I can tolerate
Without you I'm feeling fine
You get the picture then?
I dreamt we swam
Together in your ocean
Once I turned my head
To look over my shoulders
And my land I couldn't find
You, happy as a fish,
Dragged me away
So I left my world behind

I dreamt we were happy
You fed me all your secrets
Introduced me to your creatures
Catching rides on waves
Sleeping sheltered by caves
We would play under the sea
No fisherman or nets to catch us
Oh, I dreamt we were free

But reality was a nightmare
And caves were few and cold
And waves big and scary
And I, never one to be bold
Told you I had to stay
And you, like a fish out of water,
Touched me one last time
And swam away
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