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Plant a deep,
and budding seed,
to take away the endless writing need,
show the others,
end the angry jealous greed,
& take away an ugly ****,
to do a little poetic deed,

As you hope in a prolific tree,
in it's rooted ink,
to be set so free,
stretching to the sky,
to show a light for all to see,

Get down & pray on bended knee,
the God's above have heard the plea,
as they hand you a compelling key,
and no,
there is no guarantee,

As I will always remember thee,

I hope that you who let me be,

I hope you too,
remember me.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
For someone I love... my seed. Thank you to all the poets at HP those I know and those I don't who have supported my writing and work. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed New Year full of prolific words. I hope you are blessed for the other abundances also ❤❤❤
No matter what I do,
I am just a little girl
Standing alone in a pink party dress
Watching ashes fall through blackened trees
And even if I run as fast as I can, I cannot catch them all
Before their chaotic tumble burns acid scars into the ground
I sprint as fast as I can but soon I am swallowed whole
All except for one white high-heeled shoe
Time and the ashes will mold it to the fitting of this bloodstained world
A forgotten funeral monument
For a girl who had failed to be a bright enough light

I know what you told me
But it was a lie

I will never, never be enough
My heart breaks, I send money and some clothes somewhere
I bite my tongue, I smile
But none of that is enough
There is a child crying somewhere and there is not one thing I can do about it
I'm breaking to pieces inside, but there has to be more I can give
Because it's still not enough
She runs from the garden with a tomato worm in her palm
leaving behind a doll, chocolate milk, and banana.

Behind her and thousands of feet above, a green-black
anvil cloud muscles in  from the southwest, close to home;

far from her mind.
Can I just forget this year
That started off so fine
I just hope that by next year
I'll have a better time

With all the fighting on the news
In Damascan streets
Makes me wonder how we can
Reject the survivors we meet

Between Brexit and the election
We keep on splitting apart
And all of the hateful ones
Feel free to threaten our hearts

Zika rode in behind ebola
Two crisies on end
All of the panic caused by it
Hardly helps people make amends

The Olympics were pretty great
But still pretty spotty
With bacterial bays, alge filled pools
And the antics of Ryan Lochtie

The globe's heat keeps rising on
Wreaking havoc on our climate
With polar ice melting, it grates
That people don't get science

My favorite sci fi heroes died
Those people who inspired
Those who gave us so much hope
Just suddenly expired

The local subway's been a mess:
It keeps catching on fire
After three times, it just seems
That we can't fix a wire

My brain seems to be getting worse
At being normal or sane
Somedays I just want to run
And dissolve into the rain

I ended my relationship
Of over a year
And lost touch with some friends
Whom I once held so dear

School just keeps getting harder
(Not too shocking to find)
But my Girl Scout and school projects
Might just fry my mind

My mom and I are getting to
A rough patch in our ways
And hiding my intrests from my 'rents
Takes so much of my days

My social circle only gets
Harder and harder to track
And my family's stories sound like soaps
Even though we have each other's backs

So can I just forget this year
Make it all fade away
Can I just go back to sleep
And face '16 another day

So can I just forget this year
Just please make it all end
And maybe in 2017
I'll be able to start again
Since no one knows the words to the song, I made up my own version to sing at midnight.
Just wanna ask everyone for prayers for me and my family, I hope and ask for continued prayer alot for me and family in this time of year. My dad's mom just passed away December 1st my grandma nagley. Stress has overcome me and family as well as Dads overly stressed he's already had two massive heart attacks in the past months back and . And lately I've been dealing with sickness in my body and heart issues. To say I'm not afraid to whatever may come next would be a lie. I'm praying lord takes away this fear/anxiety. *** to be honest this is quite overwhelming ... Alot. Not including me and my family got a note on our door maybe week ago. A note saying we have until the 1st of January to move out and if don't move out by the first then quote ( we will get 3 day eviction at that point. The apts owner as their are two brothers owning tons of apts . I don't hate/ nor dislike the man who's making the decision. He's given us no reason to why were getting this, other than he said for him And the apts best interest. Though we feel for another reason though not sure doesn't make sense dad always pays rent and me and my parents aren't some huge issue to this complex. So we ? What's happening. And even through all these trials/ tribulations we gotta trust God. My healths making it worse for me lately. This burden is heavy. Really begging for prayers. Thank you for all praying for my family-and me. Continue in Christ's love and forgiveness always. Because that's what life's about. LOVE! Never forget that
.God bless.
Brandon nagley...
Special personal log:
We had set sail early on the 20th day of the second month in the year of 1728.  The waters seem tame and the winds sang a pleasent south song.  Almost exactly a day out of dock we encounter what I can best describe as a blue sun in the ocean.   In the early morning twilight a blue light shined from below.    Lightning bolts seem to emit from the waters and dance about the starless sky.  It was then I saw with my own eyes a man floating above the sea spinning a long stick made of blue light above him.  His eyes glowed blue and he uttered a strange chant.   In that moment we were all blinded in an amazing flash of blue light.  A creature now was in the place of the man.  Its wings were grand beyond imagination!  It was a dragon!  It then flew beyond the sky leaving behind ripples of blue light.
Star serpent
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