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As I closed my door and lay down to sleep
A poem came and violently knocked at my door
Being late, I put a rein on my desire to admit it in
In my sleep I could hear the faint sound of a knock

In the wee hours of the morn, as I sat up to house it
scattered phrases and broken lines floated around
A crazy excitement made me trap them in ink
But nothing worthwhile showed up on the writing pad

I found I had only violated the virginity of the paper
After hours of spasmodic labor pain
What came out was a stillborn with no heart beats
It lay limp before me and all excitement died down

It’s still body, I found had closely resembled me
Something of me was there stamped on it
How could I who had parented it
Callously discard it in a dustbin?

So I carefully stashed it away in a secret place
Where no one’s prying eyes would ever fall over it!
I am sure some of you too must have experienced it !
Silence is a place
many travel there
and do not stay for long
but some travel there
never to be seen again.
Is it true what the scientists say
That life on earth will end one day?

I guess that they are probably right
There'll be no day, there'll be no night

The ozone layer is full of holes
Rising temperatures melting ice floes

Will we perish in enormous Floods?
The thought of it just chills the blood

Or will earthquakes bury us out of sight
Will fire devour us without a fight?

Storm and tempest, some folk say
Will make us kneel in final prayer

The forecast? Now  I'll give you mine:
It will end in two thousand and seventy nine

Keith Wilson            June 25 2016
New stars are debuting
On the galactic red carpet.
The IMAX night screens
The hand and foot print constellations
Illumed by the stage lights
In a heavenly theatre.
Shooting stars burned out
After their final take.
It's a wrap.
Leonard, Leon, Merle, Gene, Patty and a myriad of other favs have left us this year.
( Song )

Every culture of the world, they speak of,
Tell the tale of a great flood,
I feel the weather is changing, pouring hot
And getting ready to spill.
    I don't know what it was like before,
    'think now is like before the flood.

And so I welcome the rain from the sky,
It is only the tears of the earth,
As a young woman who cries,
Showing beauty along with the hurt,
In future days woes of our lives,
Will be cleansed by the tears of the earth.

I read the story of Noah and his ark,
'say that he was a righteous man,
I look for truth but I can't see clear it's dark,
And all the animals are scarce.
    I feel the end of an age is come,
    Inequity is the day, O Lord!

And so I welcome the rain from the sky,
It is only the tears of the earth,
As a young woman who cries,
Showing beauty along with the hurt,
In future days woes of our lives,
Will be cleansed by the tears of the earth.
In the midnight breeze,

They speak softly,
So gently,
Little secrets,
To the chosen leaves
On the sleeping trees.

In harmony,
Songs are sung,

Carried in the wind -
Nature's sacred secrets
On the branches,
Are now, no longer hung.

Can you hear the call
Between the heavens
And the trees,

Flowing through the air,
Dancing on the seas?

These whispers
Pass through,
Gathering all the leaves
That they need to take...

Cleansing the earth -
New leaves to be born
When nature gives birth;
Such songs are sung,
Before you wake.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Wishing you all
a very Happy New Year!
Filled with happiness -
Filled with cheer!

To all my friends
Here at HP,
Your support, this past year,
Has meant so very much
To me!

Happy New Year
To one, and all,
See you next year,
Not faraway at all!

Rosalie - Lady R.F
Dawn is a yellow **** stretching across the sea horizon
a skullcap of grey blue cloud overhead.
We wait for severe weather forecast to fulfil its prediction
lulled as we are in the silence and stillness of a nun at prayer,
nothing moves outside, even the birds have hunkered down.
There will be dead seals on the shore again, killed in the waves created by the ferocious unforgiving winds, food for the Blackback Gulls,
a winter bounty left in the wake of the coming storm.
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