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Mar 2017 · 562
c r y s t a l s
Rain Sunshine Mar 2017
c r y s t a l s

The tear drops were like crystals
mercilessly building up on her dark
eyelashes. Sniffing bitterly, she dried her
tears and stood in front of the mirror
trembling. She was broken inside and out
all she needed was love, love was the token.
She needed love to care for her neglected
heart as a glove of hope.
May 2015 · 840
My Addiction
Rain Sunshine May 2015
I never really had an addiction

till the dolce of your intoxicating lips

filled me with thrills and scattered feelings .
May 2015 · 4.2k
Rain Sunshine May 2015
The beauty in a bow will only show
the rancid flavor it musters when it opens it's throat .
With bland intentions of subjects but loud quirks , its grey eyes will shower you with gloat.
Sheepish , arched lips will saunter you a hiss.
Your pupils get lighter and the lies get higher.
Fond of their beauty in substance of looks , only will you find the meaning in books.

Will you rattle a smile on a hook when your success won battle with your humble good looks.

The vain that slithers out of your mouth wont be a match for whats out and about.
Check again looks don't overcome meaning but meaning overcomes gleaming .
So give me a higher reason for not being to dreamy?
Self-centered, no i remember , it's not the center in my last November.
Last time i checked the cab looked its best on the exterior and on the inside lacked of a barrier.
Now look again at the vain heart , covered with smudges and a bland start.
Look in deeper all you talked was about you, i checked again and please don't lie and tell me it isn't true.

i'm insane and you are too , if one is narcissistic then baby its you.
May 2015 · 516
The Fear
Rain Sunshine May 2015
Time is what i'm fearing.
Not enough time for enough regrets.
What if i never get to taste and savor the lips of my tempting dignity ?So soft and frail yet so firm to capture my breath.
You'd taste like honey, darling. So sweet yet so bitter.
I'd brush my lips in so deep , i think i might of forgotten the meaning of grudges .
My heart exhilarates and my hands palpitate on the strands of your golden locks, which separate into distant strands threw my fingertips.
I lace the open space in between my fingers, tugging your scalp and curls till i lose focus.
Now i'm on the bridge of failing.
I'm afraid of your eyes the ones that cave into my soul so far that it grabbed the captivity on the leg of my minds shadow.
Now my mind has no shadow.
You tug and pull and my shadow quakes its feet above the mouth of your cave.
It dropped, my mind did.
I'm lost, i'm inside of your fear, carving my way out.
Pushing everything in with me.
My limbs, shoulders and hands.
I carve deeper , my fingernails grasp your ******.
I grip to your shoulder blades  so harshly that you start to rattle out your meanings .

Now i know.

Now you know.

Now we all know what i fear.

If fear is what we all fear then i fear myself.
May 2015 · 731
His Worries
Rain Sunshine May 2015
He reckons the sight of her beauty,
with no words. They seep  threw her mouth
but replenish his soul.She has doubt of his
ineffective ways,but replaces the
consuming thought with his immense gaze.
While she implies on the captivity they all face.
His delightful orbs are actually soaked in hate.
But with her joy and eagerness placed deep beneath his mind,
he cant  complain ,and he asks himself
"But is she really mine?"
While his words spread threw his brain like
poison in its veins.
He recognized that it was just a lie.
Because the beauty is gone,just like notes to a song.
And her smile didn't wait, so it faded away.
Its been way to long to return in its turn of mistake,
So he'll wait for her as long as his worries  drive
back to memory lane.
But his  biggest worry of all was ,
"Was this all just fate?"
Apr 2015 · 886
Barley Congruent
Rain Sunshine Apr 2015
( Barley congruent )
I try to hold all the fear and yet they all disappear.
But faith fades like a match it will crumble to scratch and tremble its flame.
Say faith its just stubble that you shave away
and the world seeks the untold lies that hide under your skull and I , will be loyal.
And straps arms around you,
their packs that surround you.
Never hide your feelings fly up above  the world so high.
Think about the secret you hide, blades don’t carve to be a gift.
And those knives they are full of it.
The blood wont stain your sides for unknown reasons and untold lies.
It will be blurred and insecure since sharpness and pain is our cure.

Sing these words and all will be subtle and then my mind will stay up brush all my pain inside .
It will cave deep, right through my finger tips and to my spine.
Don’t give a reason we all know its addiction.
And you keep feeding.No one keeps going on for a reason .
And  now it’s a tree with grief .And now we are filled with needs.

Since fear is flame and matches are faith then I will be your servant the one that will fade.
your memory and I will combine into eyes your eyes that see your harm.

Once a light bulb now a lighter on little flick and all gas will be free.
Free is me in your mind grasping to any good that plays in plane sight.
So grasp that sharp object, yes grasp will all your might and hope it doesn’t put up a fight, if so you will lose you might and blood will stain left and right. If ignorance is just a word and congruent are made to twin, then what is our mind? Two words, barley congruent .

— The End —