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Jan 2020 · 189
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
When I was little,
my mother often threw me snakes
into the bed
so I could play.
I picked them up,
lifted and squeezed them,
preventing from reaching my face.
They opened mouths,
trying to push air
through their throats.
With a woman in bed,
when I get out of her hands,
I sometimes fall,
grab the last in the fist.
Clench my tongue, twist my back;
turn blue.
Then I don’t let the air out,
scratch my neck. Pretend
it was a snake bite. Play around.
Jan 2020 · 294
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
The city of Korosten burned out,
burned from head to bottom.
Spoiled wild birds flew away
scared. No more deer left,
only people died.
All the houses were cindered.
There’s no stone left to turn
and break your ******* face.
Jan 2020 · 290
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
In general, most things
moved to other rooms after disinfection.
Some of them, of course, kept the smell,
and were immediately thrown away.
Clothes were selectively
used as workwear or rags.
Found weapon was returned
to a safe. Under the iron bed there were even
two extra rounds. One tooth
with a caries mark.
The rest idled in closets.
Jan 2020 · 276
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
Initial plan
was to completely replace the window,
but before that, the jambs
were fixed.
And so no one took out the frame
anymore. Only decided
to hang new curtains.
(The old ones were not thrown away
but hidden in another room).
Jan 2020 · 283
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
The construction remains
that had been knocked out
along with the lock
had to be torn out of the inner door.
They were completely sawed out
and a fresh piece of timber
was installed instead. The bar
could be glued to it hence the door
is wooden. There was no desire
to get new locking mechanism.
On the contrary, there was an idea
to get rid of them in every
other room, at least of those
that can be closed
from the inside. The oblong socket
was drilled into restored door
and then stuffed with a regular
roller latch. Installing the door skin
completed it's look.
Strike plate on the jamb
remained the same, it was approximately
the size of the
roller (only slightly deeper).
Jan 2020 · 218
Walls 2
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
The stench from liquid, almost transparent
wallpaper glue
stunk up the room for a long time.
It took half a day to stick merely few
of those soggy and vile rolls.
Though the desire to change the overall
palette of the room to a favorite blue
existed anyway.

However by night, the area around
the window had dried up and peeled off the wall,
holding only around the ceiling
and the floor. The draft from the window was probably
to blame, the old frame even closed
still let the wind through the cracks. The worst
pieces had to be throw away and new
ones were cutted out. Those wallpapers, which were
still more or less holding on, were
put back on a simple office glue. While leaving the
room for re-drying, the most dangerous
sections of the window frame were covered with rags,
the door - with foam rubber and
old clothes.

It took 8 rolls in total.
In the 4 by 2.5 m bedroom, at a height
of about three meters,
one roll covered almost a full
two meters of the perimeter. Therefore,
excluding the window,
but taking into account the gaps to adjust the pattern,
seven rolls were used for the walls. The eighth
remained spare but never came in handy.
Eight rolls cost (roughly)
230 UAH. Also glue for 83 UAH.
Jan 2020 · 207
Walls 1
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
Prepare two spackling knives in advance:
narrow and wide. Make sure
they have
sharp edges
although it isn't always important.
It's better to cover
the floor with poliethylen
before beginning the work.
You probably won't find any other
material in the same large quantities,
and you'll avoid washing the floor. Paper
has to be moistened,
so power outlets and switches
should be closed, covered or else.
Next, apply water on walls
using a sponge rubber roller
or cloth. In a few minutes
(you should wait)
the paper becomes soggy
and can be removed
with a simple moves
of the knife.
The damage done to the walls underneath
was minimal.
Buckshot remained stuck inside
along with pieces of skull.
It was decided to leave them, while pieces
of flesh were peeled off
with the wallpapers.
Mix a small amount
of spackling powder
and level the surface using both
wide and narrow knives.
Remaining putty was used to cover
dark stains left by fluid
dripping on the floor.
Due to the fact that
no one touched them for a long time,
they managed to soak
into the wall. The sandpaper
destroyed the rest of the details.
Jan 2020 · 210
* * *
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
After that, the floor had to be
dried for several days
using a hairdryer,
and wiping,
keeping the window permanently open.
During this time the purchased roll
of new floorcovering
managed to reach room temperature.
New planks were quickly installed
instead of the stripped ones,
and then the entire floor was lined
with 6 mm plywood to avoid leveling.
A new monotone polyvinyl layer
was placed on the adhesive
and double-sided tape
(for fixation).
The seams were joined by silicone
sealant. After that,
the repair was completed,
as it is common to lay the lino
at the end.
Jan 2020 · 211
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
Under the vynil
much of the flooring was dry,
but planks near the wall began to rot
and the smell couldn't got
rid of. Vinyl was laid here
in two layers, as the old one
hadn't been removed.
But the felt at the base
was soaked;
there was no reason to keep it.
At first, the flooring could be
easily removed by hand, sometimes
snapping off
with twinned pieces at once,
but after half of the work was done
the vinyl ceased to come off
in whole parts: either
it was constantly torn and stick
with glued pieces
or the pattern layer was
peeling off the base.
The baseboard was thrown into the corridor,
but eventually it ended up in a dump,
(like a ridge) broken in many places.
The areas where the adhesive
remained firm required a constant
flow of boiling water,
so the kettle was put to use.
Wait a few minutes after pouring it
on the glued felt. Then vigorously
remove with a scraper and a taping knife.
After that the dirt had to be washed separately,
but it didn't matter compared to the cost of the solvent.
Finally, blood-soaked planks
were broken off and thrown away.
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
In the event of a hostile assault,
storming a castle or surrender
of the garrison.
2. If you are going to be captured
(as hostage), first and foremost
stay calm. A cold assessment of the situation
will help to plan your actions
more clearly. Resist -
use interior items,
available weapons,
elements of beauty care
or desperation.
Remember: your goal is to not stay alive.
Do not question the free will
of (you and) people who favor you.
3. Hide (only) to convey
the message or to strike
the best shot. If found -
act aggressively,
make unexpected sharp movements,
do not spare your words -
try to personally insult
someone of the attackers.
It will change your position;
death is likely to be faster and more decisive.
4. Noisy screams attract attention
and make you a priority target.
5. Don’t trust men if they say
treacherous things. Do not be afraid to oppose them -
endanger yourself hastily.
Last. It may happen that you will not have
time to read the prayer at all or in
full. Therefore, those who need to be convinced
of the virtue of the immortal soul,
should have to take the habit to
daily, at a comfortable time,
confess before God.

Drawn up by
Voivode Stanko Yursha
Castellan Simon Chortoriysky

— The End —