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it falls in thousands
as it calms the minds
of the jaded souls
seeking sighs in pause;
it creeps with chills,
so you either grab
a warm cup of coffee
or snuggle in blankets
so which of the two,
take a sip or sleep.
A trained martial artist knows how to move
because that is the way he's able to groove.
He often turns quickly and looks all around
then at times jumps or leaps off the ground.
Balanced and ready to show one his skill
by these movements he is able to thrill.
You can easily get captivated by his speed
which seems so very impressive indeed.
A swift block, ****** or kick he deploys
all the measures of self defense employs.
It's amazing what a disciplined life can do
as both the body and mind will benefit too.
Written in the 2nd half of 2020.
There was once a time when you could drink
some cool and clean water at the local stream.
But now you either have to wonder or think
whether that was not out of a distant dream.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's
Man's salvation is
compromised by ignoring
the voice of conscience
A Senryu written late '21.
My heart drifting in your longing,
yearning for my time to come around, to meet deaths cold sweet embrace.

I miss you.
every breath forgotten
lost to times reap

each heartbeat
a hearts worth of love

a smile is remembered
indelible in eternity

-quickening the rhythm
shortening the breath.
The truculent sun
escapes cloud guard
& serves us day

over green bonnet trees
that birth false fruit
where wasps crawl.

Now the roads fill
with rioting flax,
rose rays, rude rain -

there's too much life -
the world's heart is burst,
blonde-broken sobs.
Minor revision for better flow/logic
when is is all there is where isn't was
and all the sky's inside a blue balloon
and everywhat is known to be because
too good is God to be believed too soon

then breathing breath doth verily become
(in spite of all the sayers saying nay)
a joy deflating all the threats of doom
since every doomsday dies before its day

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