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May 2014
When you crash, You try and catch yourself.
When you burn,  You try and save yourself.
When you crumble, You try and stand back up by yourself.
But what if you cant?

Behind those walls people put up, to save others from grief.
Are you really saving yourself? Or killing yourself?
Because when those walls crumble under the weight of loneliness.
Who will be there to help you when friends words don't work anymore

You love them dearly but words begin to fade
You try and stand up but the weight is to much.
Some people need the love of another to keep their walls strong
Some peoples strength comes from the one person they call love

Are you one of them? Or do you stay strong on your own?
Only you know who you are, and what you really need.
So let yourself be free and be who you really want to be.
Let yourself do what really needs to be done.

Just be you, even if it kills... me
I know she is going to see it, and its gonna hurt her, But I need to let this out. I need to have a release that isn't considered bad.
We broke up, But I still love her. Loved her for 2 years without being with her, Loved her for the time we were together, and I still love her after this pain. Because pain wont stop me from caring. Wont stop me from letting someone be happy.
Written by
Namir  Massachusetts
   Tinker Bell, Zead and Lone Wolf
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