the game is done the t's have been crossed and i am on my way home, shivering at the lack of letters in the sky
but no complaints, because today i plucked them all, one by one down from their playground and stamped them into the paper of my spinning mind, and then i spat the sentences out, sour on my tongue bitter in the air damp and disappointed on the ground
as the rain tells me that yet again i have wasted my chances thrown another good day's worth of truth away
but no complaints, because by now i should be used to this failure i should be well on my way to looking upwards with the strength to let some of those letters slip by me, and the knowledge that the silence might do me good within and without, i have no doubt that i am wrong in my actions but right in my disbelief
i have wasted my chances thrown another good day's worth of truth beneath my feet but one day, i know i will wake up and get it right