We find ourselves always stuck in the between- the middle of a breakdown, the middle of a fight, the middle of a decision. In the grey's instead of the blacks and whites of life. In the undeveloped part of the film; the damaged part of the film.
Have you ever sat in the middle of your living room with a bottle of wineΒ Β and the windows slightly open in the middle of winter thinking about life? I have. Have you ever sat in the middle of the street in the middle of the night and wished silently to yourself this would all end if one car just turned that corner? I have.
There's that word again... "Middle" Which is such an ugly word the more I sit here and type it. I want to be at the beginning of something. I would even settle for the end of something just so I could restart again.
I have a hard time focusing on the present, which is also the middle of your life. I'm always stuck in the past or wishing for the future... Then again... I am the damaged part of the film.
I am the negatives that will not get developed for another couple years.