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philosober Jun 2014
Flesh, flesh, flesh, there’s too much everywhere!
No, I can't be seen like this
There’s too much flesh here
And here as well
I can’t weigh this much at fifteen!
Flesh on my thighs, flesh on my arms
I’ll never fit on the cover of a magazine!
flesh, flesh, FLESH!
I better use a razor, use a knife, use broken glass
Maybe the flesh will leak out, maybe I’ll be flatter
How am I gonna be liked by the boys in class????
No no momma, don’t lie to me, I just know it matters
Do you see it shake when I laugh too much?
No no no I can’t laugh too much
I can’t be happy now, do you see
I heard cigarettes make you skinny and poetic, momma
now don't you lie to me, momma, I'm going outside
I'll go have a smoke, with my FLESH on my sides
It’s like acid, it burns like heartache
I’m gonna make my scale break
No no momma, I’m not a pretty girl
No momma, this flesh belongs to the monsters under my bed
Who are turning into provoking voices in my head
You disgusting little thing
You hog all the food, you hog all the space
You think you’d ever look good in underwear or in lace?
Disgusting little thing,
I can see through you dress
You are no-good-to-love case
I can’t love all of you
My heart is not big enough to love you, girl
And all your FLESH FLESH FLESH.  
It's been a while....
my mind was screaming for some words on paper, and this is one of the rare times when my anger towards myself wins over collectiveness. it feels good though, let out some steam.
I'm sorry for the ****** emotions, I'm just going through bad bad times
philosober Apr 2014
If we ever happen to be
please remember that I'm a daisy
and I will die of ******* love
if you keep the light from me
if you trap me in your shadow
or banish me and cut my roots
and tell me to live in your desert
to drink off my own tears
I will die of ******* love
if you keep the river from me
if, if, if, if, if, if, if...
philosober Mar 2014
I run into you on lit-up Lovelace lane
On April seventh, waiting for the train
I take you to a restaurant for a glass of champagne
And as I drunkenly talk to you
Words come out, not from the brain, no, no
Not from the brain, not from the sane.

“Oh, the odds of seeing you here;
The coincidence that might appear
to be nothing more than god’s plans
or a coincidence made to rest in his hands

I have seen the way
your eyes dulled upon their betray
look at me, pure and divine
look at me,
like you’re a heart wrapped in vine
leaves and leaf by leaf I peel
and peak beneath your teal
dress and distress is an understatement
to myself as I stumble on pavement
And god-like would be more like an insult
to the way your laugh sounds; like a cult
of beauty
and feminism
and that lonely wind of sadness
oh God, bless your laugh, God bless

Talk to me,
these echoes are not enough
to satisfy my ears, I honestly can’t bluff
about the way I am desperately in need to hear
you talk, the words leave the lips, the words sincere
the words trail down the hips…
the words dissolve into clips…
the words fall like, snow
into my ears…
I forgot how to think…
But you appear in the blink
of the eye, the sound of a cry
that brings me closer to heaven
and I am silent, I am the raven
I am deaf
to everything but you,
I am deaf

Between you and I
I struggle with rhymes
and I’ve never really loved how my words
were with a twist of the mind, paradoxically absurd
You leave me hanging on the
tip of your tongue
and crushed inside
the muscles of your lungs
please take me out;
there are still a few verses I haven’t
                                                  ­       *p.t.
philosober Mar 2014
you are
a sunflower
and out of your mind
i am
the sun
i am the sun
i am trapped
in the sky
i don't know
where to run
he is
a butterfly
see him
flutter by
and he is free
unlike you
and me.
  Mar 2014 philosober
Cassy Hamilton
When you find a man
Who transforms
Every part of you
Into poetry,
Who makes each one of your hairs
Into a poem,
When you find a man,
As I am
Of bathing and adorning you
With poetry,
I will beg you
To follow him without hesitation,
It is not important
That you belong to me or him
But that you belong to poetry.
philosober Mar 2014
He told me
“Once you start,
There is no end
Your life will
Curl and curve and bend.
Doesn't matter where.
Must you go south,
North, east and west?
Then go, I don’t care
But I should warn you,
Never rest.
Must you leave me?
Must you drive,
Fly and sail?
I’ve tasted it once;
It’s only fair.
I don’t think
I’m mostly sure,
That your wild,
Thirsty heart,
Is grand and pure
And I don’t think,
I am oh very sure,
That you will never be
On the brink
Of becoming bored.
Go find all that’s
Hidden, untold,
Hunt for your own
Silver and gold.
Don’t follow the steps,
Dig through your own road
Fall in love once, twice
Grow warm and grow cold.
When you travel
You haven’t got a home
But be sure,
You’re never alone.
When you travel. Take it all in,
Open your eyes wide
To lights, bright and dim.
And merge with the ground,
With the water
The people, the town
Be the lost and be the found
Remember every note and every sound
Every street fair, yen and pound
Every story from every lip
Bite at the memories, tear and nip
When you travel
Remember well
The essence is not
What’s left to tell
It’s not in riches
It’s not in years,
It’s for you,
For joy, mourning,
Laughs and tears.
It’s to live
With every taste on your tongue
It’s to rust and grow old
With souls and mind so young.”
philosober Jan 2014
It is not the sounds of chirping birds I will lazily wake up to
When I grow up
It will be because of my 6 a.m. alarm for my part-time job
I will not stay at home watching movies when I have the flu
When I grow up
I will be forced to go out and buy medicine for the throb
I will not spend my money on clothes and candy
When I grow up
I will pay off the bills I will be drowning in
I will not travel the world and feed my wanderlust soul
When I grow up
I will grow up and old and die and rot in my own skin

And perhaps,
I do not want to grow up anymore;
This life is a road that I should ignore.

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