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Petal pie Aug 2014
Having hindsight is all very well
But more  foresight would be just swell
For now I will be content to dwell
On my sense of sight and so I tell
Thee for all the wonders
I daily see
I feel blessed
Now come sit
And count them with me :-)
Petal pie Aug 2014
Today tastes like
Satisfied saturday lie ins
and accompanied sleepy yawns
Tea in bed
toast crumbs

Today tastes like
Washing pegs I hold in my mouth
while ******* things
out on the line

Today tastes like
Saturday sweetie day
peanut m n m's
and other sugary
treats hooray!

Today tastes like a trip to the zoo
animal antics
fruit bats
and tamarin tantrics

Today tastes like
My son's hearty hugs
he's been away all week
with the scouts
a hearty dinner
whilst he recounts
his trip's losers and winners

Today tastes like
brightly coloured family
television shows
of sofa time and
cheesey toes
(before i put the boys
in the bath)

Today tastes like
tea and more tea
Maybe I'll allow
myself a
cheeky glass of wine
to further relax
and unwind!
Petal pie Aug 2014
Journey of a leaf

I'm leaving home today.
I can feel it in my veins
The wind is picking up
Mother nature is 
Preparing to take me
On an adventure

Here it comes
The wind is lifting me
I'm taking off now
I'm nodding to my brothers
And sisters 
They are waving me goodbye
My mum is letting go of her hold 

This is it. my body is lifting 
I'm off and single cell
In me feels alive
And a rush is coursing through me

I am dancing through the air
The breeze is fresh against 
My green skin
And the sun is shining 
Through me
I am glowing!

The pace is slowing now
I am beginning my descent 
Bobbing downwards 
Finally able to take in new views
A patchwork of fields
and a large expanse of water
Perhaps it's a lake

I can feel a drag now
I'm coming in to land
Here I go, gently does it
I'm landing on the water 
Skimming slightly
It is cool underneath
I see new creatures around me
New friends! 'Hello!'
  Aug 2014 Petal pie
SG Holter
There once was a town in the world.
In this little town, lived a girl.
She barely could write,
But sat up all night.
Carefully carving each word.

The poem she wrote was a dream.
A thought that had grown, it'd seem.
The frailest of strands;
Words woven by hands.
Like droplets of diamond

The morning sun shone on the stairs.
He sat there, his face holding tears.
Her father, and all
That little girl called
Her family, burdened with fears.

She sat down beside the poor man.
Put paper inside his strong hand.
She left him to read,
As if sowing a seed.
And so, the whole healing began.

Her words had a life of their own.
Of wisdom beyond any known.
They spoke of a place
That was floating in space,
Yet it's beings were far from alone.

Why cry when there's laughter?  
Why fight when there's dance?
Why hate when there's family,
Fun and romance?

Her words were so simple, so clean.
Yet painted in colours unseen  
Through verses and lines,
And symbols and signs...
To adults, elders, infants and teens.

It took not religion, it seems.
No army, no guns or machines.
To shape this old world
To the words of a girl
With paper, a pen... and a dream.
  Aug 2014 Petal pie
SG Holter
Girl. If you were as close as
You could, those would not be the
Covers of your bed against you.

You'd wonder how many arms
I had; you'd ask how something
Could so hold you.

That is how close I would be.
Between your skins.
Within your withinnermost.

I would find you. I would dig
Until I found you; separate you;
Open your smile to mine.

See you seeing me seeing you as
As naked as anything without
Anything; final, final self.

That pillow; my arm. That pillow;
My other. That cover is not from
Feathers; I envelope you with

My ownership of the bed we lay
Upon, if I must. I claim what I
Crave; your rest. Rest.
Petal pie Aug 2014
I lay spread out on 
My local shingle beach
Letting the pebbles 
Sift through my fingers
I consider the myriad
Shapes and forms they take.
The varying rust
Charcoal grey and mustard shades

I set myself a mission
In the multitudes
That the sea brings to my feet
I will find amongst the 
Copious cobbles
The ultimate pebble
Perfect and pleasingly
Quirky or smooth.

I become so absorbed by 
This sifting sorting 
Comforting process 
A simple quest
I forget myself
And my proximity to the waves 
Until i am splashed 
And soaked and 
Have to vow to take up
This valiant quest 
Another day.

Until then I have taken 
Home a few shortlisted
And made a promise to stand up when
The winner is found
And make a little trumpet
Fanfare sound
And hold the stone aloft!
Petal pie Aug 2014
Blue **** figuerines
Wonderfully poised and serene
Simple yet perfect
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