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I rolled on my back
The room is pitch black
Why can't I sleep?
I know, I really had to ***

I stumbled off the bed
Carrying my heavy head
Dragging my feet
Lazy eyes closed as I ran into a seat

Cold tiles chilling my sole
I couldn't even think clearly
Staying too late was taking its toll
As I reached the toilet missing it barely

A dreary road it was
On my way back to the room
I stubbed my toe but didn't curse
Right before I collided with a broom

Door shut behind me
I go to greet warm sheets
As I melt into the bed beneath
I know I've never felt more sleepy
My life will end
as a blank canvas
on an empty wall
in an empty house
in a street that no one remembers
I will fade into the endless black
drowned amongst
the many nameless
forgotten by all
who once swore
to remember me
I will lie dying
in a potter's field
with a wilting flower
and a first name only
I will never publish my words
and I will never show my art
And I will forget to leave this town
fading like every other here
who had big, but fragile dreams
I will always exist
but forget to live.
If you're going to break
if you're going to shatter
If you're going to change,
Don't go too far
Stay who you are.
Underneath moon dust
Lies a glimmer of lost hope
Igniting space dreams

One day we will merge
We will be a nebula
And a red dwarf too

Heat death is so far
That for now, I am happy
To be a planet
When some memories
Tug at your heart strings
Older tunes do play
Yesteryear lyrics on the lips
Hum away with nonchalance
Surrounded by nostalgia
Inadvertently enacting the past
Some memories do not fade
Remains etched forever
Deepest corners of life
Hide them away from present
Now and then they do come out
Taking over the present
Of all the dreams
Of mist and rain
I've dreamed here by this window pane
Of cloud kissed skies
Of grass with dew
None proved to be as sweet as you
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