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  Nov 2015 Paul Butters
Brent Kincaid
I’ve dreamed I was falling asleep
And shaking myself to keep awake.
There’s only so much weirdness
And crap a poor dreamer can take.
It was all involved with friends you see
That I don’t see now, because they
Were stranger than my dreams
Or maybe I was. Back in the day.

I would be partying with them
And walking remembered streets
But I’d look around and everybody
Found other people to go meet.
Then suddenly the Hollywood
I knew and loved for twenty years
Became Kansas City boulevards
And Hollywood totally disappears.

Or maybe I’m coming home
At the end of a tiring long day
And look around, find myself
Saying, no way. No effing way;
This is not my apartment!
It’s fine, I kind of like the place
But someone is pulling a joke
The housekeeping is a disgrace.

Then someone would come in
Who I was supposed to know
And this chick is my roommate?
Oh, no. This woman has got to go.
But before I can get my head
Wrapped around standing up
My family is there too, cooking
Handing me a steaming hot cup.

Well,, now I can’t offend them
So, I sit my *** back down.
I don’t want to seem ungrateful
Like some unfunny kind of clown.
******, I leave to go for a walk
Thinking I am in Tucson but then
This is the Country Club Plaza
And I’m back in Kansas City again.

One time I was building something,
Under an expensive sort of contract
But none of the sub-contractors
Or the assistants knew how to act.
They were putting the thing together
Like a Rube Goldberg machine.
I was going ballistic on them all;
The ugliest thing I had ever seen.

These are the dreamworlds for me
On a regular, but often bizarre basis.
Streets change while walking
And people I know change their faces.
Or I am tasked to do something
Involving technology or looming mass
I end up getting no help at all
And wind up falling right on my ***.
  Nov 2015 Paul Butters
Evangeline Rose
Hiding behind that elaborate disguise, that façade.
The world is watching, waiting, judging;
What is life, but this big masquerade?

An elaborate disguise, a well-crafted charade --
My ears have grown weary of all the criticising
Hiding behind that elaborate disguise, that façade.

Concealed behind this paper mask, I am on parade.
All that pretense, the deception unending.
What is life but this big masquerade?

No choice in how I am being portrayed
Tears on paper cuts -- but I keep smiling    
Hiding behind that elaborate disguise, that façade.

All those things I am trying to evade.
Deception's price. Who am I fooling?
What is life but this big masquerade?

How does one face life’s endless tirade?
I can feel my walls crumbling.
Puppets on a string, foolishly played.
What is life but this big masquerade?
Facades are found in our everyday lives. No one knows who lies beneath one’s mask. Our life is a performance on a stage (the world). We put on a ‘mask’ and conceal our true selves. I was inspired by a quote by Lord Bryon: “And, after all, what is a lie? 'Tis but the truth in a masquerade.” I thought about how sometimes we put up a front in a bid to blend in. We may not be expressing what we actually think.

I mostly followed the a villanelle format , but I tweaked the 2nd last line such that I used a new line instead on A1 to show that the writer’s thoughts are shifting, and that the subject is unable to keep up her facade any longer. I wanted to imply that the writer felt as though life was controlling her instead of her actions determining her future.

I also made use of eye-rhyming with the word façade. I wanted to show that things may not be what they actually are in the sense that the mask that people wear will conceal their true selves and in another way, facade looks as though it rhymes but it does not.
Paul Butters Nov 2015
This poem is by Norman Stevens in response to MY poem about HIM. Have made some minor changes.

In *****’s Bar on High,
Sheltered from Cleethorpes sea and sky,
Paul Butters utters words of cheer,
While quaffing his pint of *****’s beer.

He sets about his spicy meal,
Loading up for his evening’s sport,
When he’ll aim to be the real deal.

Owner Bill’s Angels prepare another stew,
To help down another “home –made” brew.

They nip outside for another “staff meeting”,
Paul says they’ve gone for a ***,
But THAT I’m not repeating.

Throughout these capers,
Norman reads his informative papers.

Sipping his Nectar Beer,
He’ll leave in good cheer.

Norman Stevens
Assisted by Paul Butters

(C) PB\NS 17\11\2015.
As I say, it's Norman's poem - was handwritten by him and embellished by me.
We stand against you, no matter what religion we are
You will never divide us against each other
We will be strong because we fight against evil
You are the nemesis of the souls of humanity
We will rise up and we will stand together
You can not knock us down, we never will fall
We are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Pagans....we are the World
You can NEVER win.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
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