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thoughts that don't belong
intrinsically wrong


harm your bone and skin
tattoos of your sins


words not meant but said
dreams not gone but dead

day 9
 Jun 2023 Påłpëbŕå
I went out to find
Some value in me,
So I sold what I had
For little a fee.

My eyes for a penny
I sold to some fools,
They're blind and useless,
Mistook for jewels.

My lips for a nickel
To the sweetest sin,
So they'll know the love
That has never been.

My ears for a dime
I sold to a lover.
To hear sweet nothings,
And silence uncover.

My hands for a quarter
I sold to a ghost,
So that she might feel
What I've wanted the most.

Finally my bones for a dollar
I sold to the earth,
But as for my soul-
There was found no worth.
 Jun 2023 Påłpëbŕå
A lover asked his beloved,
Do you love yourself more
than you love me?

The beloved replied,
I have died to myself
and I live for you.

I’ve disappeared from myself
and my attributes.
I am present only for you.

I have forgotten all my learning,
but from knowing you
I have become a scholar.

I have lost all my strength,
but from your power
I am able.

If I love myself
I love you.
If I love you
I love myself.
 Jun 2023 Påłpëbŕå
seabound and sober,

stuck at the bottom,

through retching all the dizziness;

it was all to feel fine,

but i still wish i was fine.
 May 2023 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
you wanted my silence
and still you want more
scream into the wind
that I wasn't your *****

gather your roses
a fistful of thorns
I will be silent
when you reap the storm
 Apr 2023 Påłpëbŕå
B +
 Apr 2023 Påłpëbŕå
B +
Sun rises to bless you with a new hope;
And moon smiles at you
To let you know that darkness isn't always a woe.
Stars dazzle to make you assure ;
that you still glow in someone's heart.

Clouds gives a huge whisper to make
you understand that not everything has a dirt.
And Every star houses a secret ,
a whispered wish from far below .
And all those hopes and dreams
are what causes them to glow .

So when you're in the darkness
and you gaze into the black,
do not fear the emptiness,
nor the shadows at your back.
Nature and our surroundings give us hope and light , we just need to see them.
be positive : )
 Apr 2023 Påłpëbŕå
we change for the people that we love,

even the unannounced, up above,

to carry spirits at heart,

in a burden weighed more than dirt.

to be loved after loss,

neither blessing nor curse,

only achieved through years of work.

i'm abandoned but competent,

uncontent in my trying,

and unfulfilled.

believe in my hands,

but never my ways,

carried on cardboard,

broken in concrete.
 Apr 2023 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
if there were no violence
we'd have no word for peace

if there were no tension
then there would be no release

if there were no stars
there would be no name for night

only in the darkness
can we understand the light
 Apr 2023 Påłpëbŕå
Once many beautiful souls came here to share  
Their words of beauty, love, and despair
From every corner of the world they'd write
Pouring out their hearts with all their might

Their words would weave a tapestry
Of human life and history
But lately, something strange has occurred
those souls start disappearing, their voices unheard

No more verses from those who once wrote
No more stories, no more anecdotes
Their words have faded into the night
And their absence leaves us without light

What happened to those lost poets, we may never know
Perhaps their hearts grew weary, and they had to go
But their legacy lives on, in the words they've penned
Their voices still echo, in the hearts of friends

Yet still we hold a glimmer of hope
That one day they'll return and we'll elope
With their words and stories, once more to share
And their presence on the website, we'll again declare

So let us not lose faith in those we miss
For their absence may just be a momentary abyss
And one day we may find them, writing anew
Their voices once again joining the poetic crew
Dedicated to all those Poets who stopped writing or left HelloPoetry for some unknown or personal reasons . We all are here waiting for you to start writing once again and fill this website with your beautiful presence  . Hope it reaches to all those lost Poets .
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