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 Apr 2023 Påłpëbŕå
aboard the aircraft metaphorical
bearing those employed
by companies large and small

a moment arrives when the cryptic
overhead lights instruct
that the time to leave has come

passengers are led to the open door
at the rear of the fuselage
where they will leap into the mist

the happy few will be strapped
into a designer backpack
filled with a carefully packaged parachute
of luminous gold

others are handed
a sturdy bundle which holds a
lifesaving paraglider of shining silver

a group somewhat more numerous
gratefully accept their sustaining dome
of spun silk and exit with confidence

the greatest number will be in a line
leading past a toilet paper dispenser
each individual to be ejected will be allotted
a single sheet

the one ply tissue will be printed as follows
“Grasp tissue firmly on opposite sides
hold tissue above head parallel with ground”

a hearty cry of “Good luck!” follows them
as they are assisted through the door
by a well placed boot
 Mar 2023 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
it's easy to stand up
to people who hate us

the only thing holding us back
is our fear

but it's harder to stand up
to people who love us

who are not aware
of their toxic behavior

and likely would cry
if they knew how they hurt us

now that is a real ******* balancing act
 Mar 2023 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
I smile
so I don't have to lie

I seem
so I don't have to be

I drink
so I don't have to think

I write
so I don't have to scream
 Feb 2023 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
it hurts my soul
to be so alone
in the cold for so long
out here all on my own

set myself up for failure
chasing the Moon
that's how it feels
when I reach out to you

if I could let somebody
get close to me
how can I even know
just how good it could be?

I don't know how it feels
but I want that for me
I don't know if I can
but I want to believe
 Feb 2023 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
I cannot let people in
I cannot let you get through
I cannot take down these walls
I do not know what to do

I built these walls for a reason
Looking back it all makes sense
I learned not to share myself
Naive misguided self defense

Now I have outgrown this prison
I don't want to be alone
How can I convince myself
That I am worthy to be known?

This is an act of defiance
Walls can't stop me when I write
No doors here
But words are windows
Screaming out into the night
 Jan 2023 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
we are an infinite                regress
    of reflections and           refractions
    of actions and         reactions
         complex       fractions
of interference     patterns    
and mathematical    interactions  
intricately intersecting    connections      
   branching on   tracks
through the     confusing   profusion       
of this soothing     illusion   we create      
            of reality     being a   place         
tessellating in   parallel  space   
               like an  abstract fractal  
in an interdimensional tesseract
reflecting back on itself forever
 Jan 2023 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
we walk boldly
through a world
where we can be killed
by a drop of water
a grain of sand

we move mountains
and destroy rivers
determined to become gods
burning down eden
to tear down the stars

but in all our power
we are like children
alone in the night
we tremble
at the open question of darkness
and weep with naked fear
I can breathe again
I once choked on your poems
Laced with arsenic
 Dec 2022 Påłpëbŕå
promises to stick around,

i won't ask a single thing,

I'll be there in my guilt,

with the tears that I've built,

i won't bother you then.
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