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 Jan 2024 ogdiddynash
voices varied cacophony whispered shouted
will silence be valued today-
the deeps of the mind allowed a say?
He comes as if on a mission, first around my feet,
rubbing against my legs as if asking permission,
then ever so carefully he jumps up onto my desk,
sits on the edge for a moment looking at me. Then
he turns his back allowing his large tail to hang off
the corner edge of the desk and like a fisherman, the
tail his line and bait, he slowly sways it back and forth
as an intentional invitation for me to play the "Tail Game"
with him. Left and right, back and forth, slowly, enticingly.

It swings to the left and my waiting fingers gently grasp it,
give it a light brief shake and let go and it swings back
onto the desktop, then back and forth for as long as I care
to participate. Cunning little attention gaining feline fellow
that he is.

Eventually I will tire of the game and require two hands
on the keyboard, thus ending the event, he will then turn
around and lay down right in front of me on the desktop
purring his pleasure song, and blinking his big seductive
contented "I got ya' again" cat eyes.
I have been seduced and manipulated many times
in my long life, but this little cat is an expert at it.
(for Daisy, a true companion to poet rr)

in the city,
we fight daily the toughest of hombres,
brown, grayed, mottled city pigeons,
who fear no human predator,
in the fight
for the crumbs and crusts of
however, they may come our way

get a message, a post,
with the words
“a good create”

the words form a chord,
in my throat, taut, visible, tense
even knowing it’s likely a typo,
probably meant “creature,.”

but the phrase strikes me
as one too little spoke
in our diurnal drudgery
numbing~dumbing struggle,
but, I take them as (a) writ,
for the crumb of challenge

if we cannot justify our existence,
daily with a new create,
then incumbent upon us
to cherish, double and thrice,
the good and wonderful
the surround us

been decades since my body
was warmed by the shape of an animal’s
curves fitted into mine,
our sleep rhythm intertwined,
so once again,
I mourn a living poem
who crossed my path
in photo, in words,
but never,
not in,
living color

but the sighs of loss,

so as is my wont,
inquire within,
where shelter?

in the love
we create
tween us and our

how do you paint water, or clouds?

I could read poetry for the brief,
of my of remaining life, however brief,
and never be satiated, of love,
and streams of water,
never stilled, always running
in patterns that exist,
but for milliseconds,
admired by clouds born in, of,
a moment of re-formation that
is perpetuity long:
unending shape shifting,
like the freedom of flowing water
currents, forming, reforming and unthinkable, nay,
inconceivable that human eyes
or their spoken words
could capture their
shiny white foamy essence

But of love,
that we can do, paint, design, recreate its
endless loops of undulations, like the radiating circularity
of a pebble dropped gently
to its burial sight in a quiet pond.

Humans know, understand and excel at clasping and grasping
at the synapsing of human cells from differing bodies:
the exogenous erogenous of human touch that like the clouds
and the water,
could paint that,
who capable of capturing
said sensations that wrack
and enliven the body with invisible
interior chemical reactions. I


Thankfully better men and women have treatised  their entreaties to the powers of the universe and been rewarded with the skilled delicacy of weaving human tapestries, the milliseconds of connectivity, eclectic and electrifying of different currents and differing amperage’s forming and reforming like water moving, just  like the clouds changing in response to the externalities of wind and gravity and all the forces of nature that encourage us to study
and stare at these flows,
hoping to entrance them into standing still for but a moment, and instead, mesmerizing us into standing motionless for hours in awe of their freedom.

Love’s undulations too mesmerizing, and freezing us into
place, or alternatively
caucus to run endlessly arms extending,
flying though not airborne,
rocketing us upwards while feet never budging,
but finding good wards, masterful metaphors to recreate and thus to share the fabulous mystery of this thing we know as love.

jul 22 (jewel 22) of the 23rd year of the 21st Century.

inspired by the police of Oxford, Lewis and Hathaway
We've a feral male cat on our
farm, with actions and attitudes
more like a small Lion on the
prowl, He slinks and preys on
rodents and birds, I've seen him
leap four feet high, take out a
small bird in mid flight.

Like any wild creature, he is
completely indifferent to us.
He does not wait outside my
door seeking human provided
food or passive affection like
our other cats, he would rather
hunt for his earned sustenance.

He sits or lays watching, on
elevated ground or high places
as Lions on African savannas do.
He radiates an independent
regal aloofness I can only
admire and aspire to.

He is the only cat on the place
without a given name, it seemed
superfluous to his dignified and
feral nature to call him by any
silly made up human name.

Some creatures are just born
wild and should never change.
This no name feline is one of them.
His twin sister is a hunter, and
part time opportunist too,
not shy about taking food from
humans, or a scratch behind the
ear when offered. But then she
is a female that's true. I just call
out "Little Kitty" and believe it or
not, she comes a running when I do.
Becoming too tame for her own good.
 Jul 2020 ogdiddynash
my life is like a stopwatch
just tallying up the time
i choose the downward spiral
over that vertical climb

i tried to go the mile
to keep up with my kind
i lasted just a while
then i fell behind

when my descent is final
who knows what i might find
maybe the top is topnotch
but the bottom is all mine
I am not this
unimaginable set
of we, two twigs
like darlings
moving lazy
up a tree,
still green
moss covered
              stone hands
warmed by the
sun and so
Together we might
make something
better, here inside
the blanket cover
of soil, of night
of stars and
even a well
I am not this
and rarely used
tense, future
perfect and
 Aug 2018 ogdiddynash
Ce que j'ai ressenti quand j'ai écouté ses chansons

True sorry
Sa musique t'envahit
Te coupe le souffle
Rien que des sentiments graves, étouffantes
Il te prend par la main
Et t'étrangle soudainement
Il te caresse dans ta gifle
Il est avec toi
et t'abandonne quand tu le désires le plus
Il est là
Sur des vibrations sonores hors norme
Ce qu'il fait t'exaspère
te rend malade
Il ment sans même rougir
L'improbable c'est lui
L'horizon , les jardins vivent dans
ses imaginations
mais il aime me montrer ses démons

Nomade Slang
Je me balade dans tes pensées
Je veille sur tes routines plates
Ton âme danse dans cet espace
Je te voix heureux mais effrayé de
ce monde et ne montrant que ta tristesse

La mer, le vent chaud
les gens qui passent
Tout est familier
Tu revoit ta jeunesse
A l'aise dans un coin
Ce que tu es ne te ressemble plus
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