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you sadist--
****** and draws blood?
do it.
I was laying awake in bed when
a lame pick-up line came to mind

   "Are you tired girl? 'Cuz
   you've been running through my head all day!"

I was bored so I broke it down

I was thinking of you when I woke up
wondering when's the next time I'd wake to your skin
I was thinking of you when I got dressed
and how you'd always ask if your clothes made you look thin
I was thinking of you when I poured coffee into my cup
and how you'd curl your nose at my coffee-breathed kiss
I was thinking of you while I flossed
dreaming of your smile which sends my heart into doing flips

I was thinking of you as I drove to work
and your love texts I'd get throughout the day
I was thinking of you during my break
how you'd wiped the ketchup off my face that first date
I was thinking of you as I waited for the bank clerk
you were excited as they rep handed you our new house key
I was thinking of you while I was picking up a steak
and how beautiful you looked when it rained on our picnic by the sea

I was thinking about you as I drove around town for an hour
and how I missed your loving eyes when I'd pull in the drive
I was thinking about you while I cooked my dinner
oh, how I missed the way you baked my favorite pumpkin pies
I was thinking about you as I was taking a shower
and the steamy nights that started where I stood now
I was thinking about you as I had laid my head to sleep
and I was thinking about how tired you had to be now

I think I'll let you run a bit longer in my dreams.
****** her
rants and
caves into
must not
twine around her
check how quite
tight it gets
that she's screaming,
for him to let her go.
Outside the window
I see the snow
There's nothing I can do

It's as cold out there
As it is in my heart
Waiting here for you

Suffering through Christmas
Alone beside the tree
Remembering the day when it
Was only you and me

The world ices over
Before my eyes
The wind is blowing strong

Freezing me
Down to the bone
I thought you were the one

Awaiting for the Spring to come
All the ice to melt away
But even when the chill is gone
You won't be here to stay

Dreaming of all the flowers,
Happiness, and sun
Even when Spring does get here
In my heart there will be none

For every cycle has its end
Mine has come to pass
I should've known, just like the seasons
We could never last

So as the months go by
And the calender's seasons change
I'm stuck in this cold Winter
My season stays the same

Sitting at this window
Knowing what I see
Knowing I will never feel
What everyone else seems to be

All other people
Feel the light of Spring
Experience the heat of Summer
And all the happiness Fall brings

For me it's only Winter
Shorter days, even longer nights
By this window I spend my day
Searching for your light

The light you brought into
This dark heart of mine
When you left you put it out
Gone, without a sign

Here by this window
I search everyday
Waiting for your light to shine
And my Winter to fade away

But the sun never shines
Down on my face
Happiness I do not see
There never is a trace

Patiently I view the land
Empty and quiet everywhere
Your footsteps hidden under the snow
Like you were never there

The wind whispers through the cracks
In a sweet, soft tone
Almost creating a presence here
Where I am so alone

In this place of ice and cold
Where Christmas never appears
Excitement from the days of old
Is now replaced with tears

Someone move along this season
Winter, and all my fears
So I will have a reason again,
To smile when Spring is near
Ever since I can remember
I've had a problem with my temper.
From just a simple irksome situation
Turns into an explosion of emotion
So if you're up for quite a scare
Right now, take heed, watch out, beware.
your eyes. they meet my gaze
watching me. seeing.
you are there. with me.

your eyes. watch him pass
watching him. seeing.
you were here. with me.

my eyes. watch the wrist.
watching it. seeing.
you aren't here. with me.

the blade. slices the skin.
watching it. seeing.
the blood drains. onto me.
We wrote a story, you and I
In our skin and in the sky
With our lips and with our eyes
With our truths and with our lies

Skip the prelude and introduction
Start to strip **** with stark seduction
I love you written inside timid ears
I love you erased all teaming fears

You were all I wanted, all I needed
Hearts exalted, expectations exceeded
Now you’re all I crave, night and day
But along this road we lost our way

Have we more chapters to author
Or did we deliver all we’ve to offer
should we put our pens out of commission
As we reach the end of our fruition

a love we couldn’t put above our selves
Now writhes on rotting bookstore shelves
Deep in those hearts, hard and leather bound
There will be but this inscription found

we wrote a story, you and I
In our skin and in the sky
With our lips and with our eyes
With our truths and with our lies
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