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Natalie Neo Nov 2014
My lips
speak of you no more.

My mind
remembers you no more.

My heart
misses you no more.

Not today,
But one day.
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
Sweep the dust off
Polish and buff the edges
Clean and wipe the surfaces.

I start afresh.
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
I deliberately existed
in your time and space.

I hope to see you, sense you.
I plan the conversations in my head,
Exactly which words to use.

I searched for you
But to no avail.

Just when I turn to give it all up,
Your face appeared
Right at the corner of my turn.

I see you, I sense you.
But the words I planned
Dissolved and gibberish took over
That blank space in my head.

It was a short encounter,
it didn't mean anything at all,
Except that we still have fate and may
Our fate intertwine again.
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
You said to get rid of my feelings.
I tried. But
how do I get rid of something

It's hiding from me, or rather
I am hiding it
from me, because it feels

I will
I will
I will
Try to get rid of it.

But for now,
I will just pretend.
  Nov 2014 Natalie Neo
someone will come along
or maybe you'll come by again
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
I was standing on the edge
You pushed me
Hard into the sea.

I tried to grab onto you
I screamed and begged
I was drowning.

You turned to walk away,
You wanted to **** me
in every single way.

Just when I was about to sink
My eyes caught a blurred vision,
You threw in a life buoy.

I grabbed hold of it
As tightly as possible,
I am never letting go again.
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
I grew ***** last night.
I went down,
I poured my feelings,
I waited for a reply.

But I guess it was
Too aggressive
Too persistent
Too stubborn.

You weren't touched
nor impressed.
Calm, as usual.
Why wasn't I surprised?

You said I was
Living in the past,
You can't do anything about it,
You just hope I'm happier this way.

you made me sound.
But I guess that was it.
Closure once and for all.

I don't regret my *****
because they sought for me truth,
just that truth was presented
in the hardest way ever invented.
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