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  Nov 2014 Natalie Neo
Dark Smile
If only falling asleep were as easy as closing your eyes. If only I didn't have to fight a battle with them. If only I weren't always so exhausted. If only I could sleep without being haunted by your face.
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
I thought I should write a happy poem
Try to channel some positivity in my words
Hopefully it gets to my thoughts and
Finally my heart.

I got stuck.
too **** sad to find happy words
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
Because I scream my hurt in your name.

Because you did once belong to me.

Because no one else can help me.
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
So tell me what to do
How to cross the barrier
Solve the puzzle
Piece us back together.

Tell me how,
To go back to the past
The days where we were us
When time hasn't pulled us apart.

Tell me,
How not to give up loving if
I lost my right
To always love you.
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
On rainy days
I always get this urge to tell you
I forgot my umbrella again.
I got drenched in the rain,
I am feeling cold.

I wonder if you would chide me
Like you used to,
Say I would catch a cold,
I need to rush over to whereever you are
So you can cuddle me warm.

It's raining today, but
Some habits are no longer the same
Even if I remember the conversations.

It's raining today, but
I need to seek shelter elsewhere
Because you're taken now.
Natalie Neo Nov 2014
As least we live under the same sky.
Together with 6 billion other souls,
But at least it's the same sky.

We don't talk, not anymore.
We don't smile nor sing,
We don't meet or brunch or drink,
We don't hug or kiss,
We don't lean onto each other or

Miss each other.

At least we live under the same sky.
Together with 6 billion other souls,
But at least it's the same sky.
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