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The little hedgehog is
Walking around
In the forest and the
Long grass and he's
Hiding in the nest of leaves
And broken tree's and
He's cocooning away and
He's safe and warm
In his home all day.
Little Hedgehog 🦔🦔
In your mirror

Every pigment irised
Each fleck of yellow and
Black lining

Irridescent pools

Your eyes
In your mirror
Take me home
I thought it would be fun
I thought it would be relaxing
I thought

I never thought you would walk
I never imagine I would turn a corner
And you would be gone

Tears dried into fear
Anxiety birthed a drive
To find you

You save me
And I lost you
How could I live with that

Thankfully you went home
Thankfully your not hurt

But how do you live
With almost losing
The thing that is you reason to live?
Maybe today will be good
Maybe today something will change
Just maybe
The phone is silent
The email does not ping
Nothing breaks the void

Her voice powerful
Her mind a raging fire
But her mouth stays closed

As time slips by
Tick tock
Oh look, another minute has passed
You came in swiftly
But causing panic in those that understood
Despite what we tried
We were no match for you
And with final death cries
Of clearly agony
You took him
Leaving us with a body
Dry of any soul

Why death?
Why did you have to take him in my hands?
Why must I bear this weight now?
 Sep 2022 Jennifer DeLong
Tripping from normal.
Forgotten promises
To be recalled at later date.
Release from normal anxiety.
Time away.
With wondering thoughts.
Reckless nothing.
Freed from dysfunction.
Burnt ashes of lost thoughts.
Magnesium for the soul.
Balancing life with gentle ease.
 Sep 2022 Jennifer DeLong
Wrapped in a small package;
Sitting on the table.
The light streaming from the huge window
Above the door landing on the table
Where the package sat.
Dust dancing about the golden rays
Reaching the tiny package.
Inside the secret held.
Awaiting the chance to be known.
Should it be seized before shared?
Or opened for all to see?
She ran her fingers along the edge
of the table.
Bit her lip and raised the package.
Folded so carefully.
So plainly in brown paper.
No bow, no card.
She placed it back.
Grabbed her coat.
Glanced once more about the hall.
Pushed the door and called her fate.
The brown package was past.
 Sep 2022 Jennifer DeLong
Lingering summer.
Moon resting on the trees
Big, round, orange.
Summer's burn on my cheeks.
Laying on the brown
Woolen Army blanket
Prickly to my bare shoulders.
My suit still wet from the swim.
Coolness chilling the summer night.
Contemplating things to come.
Stroking aimlessly the moist
Green grass beside the blanket.
Moaning music drifting from the house
On the hill above.
Lazy summer coming to end.
Smokey fall and sad goodbyes-
Omens yet to come.
 Sep 2022 Jennifer DeLong
If only I knew,
What to stew.
I'd fill my ***
With a lot.
And let you sip
Until you slip
And let me be
Your only she.
I am no such witch,
I am just a itch.
A chore,
Never one to adore.
No such brew,
Nothing new.
Just  me.
Never we.
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