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In a life of blackness
within the darkness swirling around
I ponder
deep into the darkest night
wishing, wondering, waiting
for something to happen
but not here,
not in this charcoal dust filled room
clogging my throat and my nose
I can barely breathe
but the black dust dances,
creating a story of the demons
and devils that fill my soul
The blackness thick around me
like a cloud
but I die
knowing that I was right
I died within the blackness of the demons that haunt my soul
I died with the devil inside of me
And with me inside the devil.
Just thoughts...
 May 2017 bryn
 May 2017 bryn
a sweeping overload of emotion
that takes me and chains
my ankles and wrists the ground
and takes my soul from me
the emotion is spilling.
don't pull the plug
from the power source to my life
keeping me alive
making the single dot of light
that is me
go out...

Now all is black
and I ponder
silently in the dark
for my dreams to come true.
You speak in your writing
spreading hate through those very words
killing hope with comments
and making poetry your foe

You put out the flame of love
within your icy words
created here on this public site
for all to see, but only some will know
and cherish the words we say and flow
across the page in sweeps of meaning

Even few words hold more meaning
than the meaning of meaning, you say you know

Stop making her live a hell to be in
and start making a compassionate place to write in
We luv ya bryn, don't get upset at a few stupid hate comments. :)
 May 2017 bryn
You speak in your writing
spreading hate through those very words
killing hope with comments
and making poetry your foe

You put out the flame of love
within your icy words
created here on this public site
for all to see, but only some will know
and cherish the we say and flow
across the page in sweeps of meaning

Even few words hold more meaning
than the meaning of meaning, you say you know

Stop making her life a hell to be in
and start making a compassionate place to write in
we luv ya bryn don't get upset at a few stupid hate comments :)l
 May 2017 bryn
in the fight
 May 2017 bryn
in the inner self absorbed world that is mine
someone comes along.
says something
or does something
and the army comes
and fights till the someone is dead
then the army leaves
and then?
i guess it happens all over again.
I am but a mere pebble
your waves floating me to sleep
rocking me gently
foam seeping through my gray cracks
pulling me out into
an endless, endless ocean of blue
bringing me into a deep, deep silence
lulling me into a black, black sleep
Peaceful time of night,
she wonders
she travels
she believes
she achieves
she laughs
she cries
she lives
I will never say those next two words in fear of making them a reality
She will never die
her spirit will live on forever
in me
in us
as a whole
she will never die
 May 2017 bryn
the box
 May 2017 bryn
in a box
two apples
a pear
are in the box

the box
is sitting
on white
and that
is where
the box
nothing special.
 May 2017 bryn
Perfect Child.
 May 2017 bryn
They want a perfect child.

Someone who likes sports.
A girl who gets good grades.
Someone who pleases them.

I'm not a perfect child.

I don't like sports.
I don't get good grades.
I'm not very friendly.
I'm not funny.
I'm not innocent.
I don't please them.

Still, they want a perfect child.

They're not going to get one.
At least, not out of me.

I'm still not a perfect child.

I'm not a child anymore.

I'm broken.
I'm bent.
I'm destroyed.
People keep saying, "Get better grades," or, "Be better at sports." But I CAN'T.
It's so hard for me, not being perfect, and being yelled at because I failed yet another thing.please just stop it.
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