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 Nov 2024 Izzy
Birds keeper
 Nov 2024 Izzy
Birds keeper
I sail alone on the hopeless sea
With just the stars to fill my view
You are a firework that lit up my sky
now the smoke is just the memory of you

In that moment, you gave me sight
But now it’s darker than before
My lonesome shadow adjusts in my eye
just me and the stars, forevermore
 Nov 2024 Izzy
Last Christmas
 Nov 2024 Izzy
the cold air
can be seen
every time
we take a breath

my tears sting
as they race
down my cheeks
to soak into my scarf

my hand has
gone numb
and no longer had
yours to hold

Christmas music plays
jingling merrily
as my heart
shatters to the beat.

the words
dancing off your lips
hanging in the air
as if they were mistletoe

”i’m sorry”
i watch as you turn your back
and walk away
for the last time.
 Oct 2024 Izzy
Peter Gerstenmaier
I've given up religion
After every church said
There's a special place
For people like me
Just for trying to
Make my pain
Go away
My father beat me up pretty badly for as long as I can remember... when I was fifteen I said no more and gave him a little of what he deserved - and got kicked out of his house for it. That same week my first girlfriend dumped me.
It was just too much for a teen to handle without proper help and it seemed like that despair would stay forever. So I went to 3 different drug stores and bought every pain killer I could get my hands into... and took them all at once. I was so lucky my system rejected them and made me throw up.
So that's why I cut the cord from church... isn't God love? Isn't God forgiveness? Or am I doomed almost from the start?
I like to think not... I like to think that's no more than an earthly claim.
 Oct 2024 Izzy
Mike Hauser
I am a page
Inside a dusty book

Easy to read
Line by line
But a whole paragraph
Might blow your mind

Part tear stained
Definitely dog eared

Easily able
To put me down
Knowing where I am at
When you come back around

I am a page
With lots to say

At times
I make perfect sense
But on that front
You still take a chance

Coffee stained
Slightly torn page

Many flaws
But easy to see
Through it all
Well worth the read
 Oct 2024 Izzy
 Oct 2024 Izzy
There is freedom in isolation,
in being idle and invisible,
where one could sit in muteness,
swim widely in dusk and ask,
"Am I really here,
if no one is around to see?"
A different kind of suicide

There is pleasure in being a shadow,
in pretending you don't exist,
to avoid acting like you do

Solitude isn't a time for me
to let myself free
but rather a time to free myself
from who I am

Outside the confinement of company,
I am anyone and anything,
I am someone else, somewhere else
I am alive,
but I am no one
I am alone

 Oct 2024 Izzy
 Oct 2024 Izzy
Fold me like you always have,
Run your nails to set the creases,
Shape me to the form you crave,
Bend me into the art of your wishes,

My form forever yours to toy with,
I conform to your will and desire,
Expose my surfaces, above or beneath,
I will always be there for you to admire,

I can be flexible or I can be stiff,
That depends on what you want,
I am here to help fill your rift,
The one who says you can when you can’t,

Craft that which you seek of me,
I am but your art, your origami.
 Oct 2024 Izzy
Ariana Bagley
In her pretty brown eyes
You could see it
Even with that dainty smile
Her happiness
She saw
The disgust
As she looked in the mirror
The hatred
Took over
Her self-love
The pain
Her mindset
She had sleepless nights full of hopes and dreams
Her tear stained cheeks hit the pillow
She was troubled
Her only wish
Becoming an aura that made people think of the color yellow
She remembers when
If anyone asked
She would’ve said
“I’m used to it.”

Now read from bottom to top.
October 29, 2019 (9:47 PM)
 Oct 2024 Izzy
- JP DeVille
On life
 Oct 2024 Izzy
- JP DeVille
Life is nothing more but the millisecond spent
Within the blinking of an eye
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