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Call it the love child of art and philosophy
Or a connection of souls that goes beyond sociology
However deliberate and empirical
Or attentive and lyrical
The carefully chosen words paint a masterpiece in your mind
About the emotions derived
from experiences behind.
Let the words fill every crevice of your memory through time
While they may be different from theirs and mine.
Poetry is a music that resonates in our being
in our hearts, is freeing
but especially, actively paints that uniquely perfect picture as it should
As I have tried, my hand never could.
a poem I wrote for class. I would have added more, but this is what came out in the time given. A definition of what poetry could be
 Apr 2016 Nicole S
Blowing silence
like a bugle
to announce his dismay

he got set
to make a statement
without speaking for a day

but his mother
just assuming
he had nothing much to say

sent her silent
son outside to play;

in the kitchen
by his mother's disregard

for campaigns
of wild muteness,
the rebellion fell apart

to the sound
of scuffing shoes
and the grumble in his heart

'cause silent protest
tends to lose
when no-one's listening very hard..
 Apr 2016 Nicole S
Miss Honey
 Apr 2016 Nicole S
Miss Honey
These sad eyes and tired shoulders have make me weak with the promise of someday. The weight of the world is pressing down so tightly on my vision that I can’t see anything but the sun’s glare. And I am waiting so anxiously for the days to break and the river to warm so I can try to wash my dusty eyes and smooth my crumpled up soul so I never have to come back to four white walls and a picket fence.
i wrote this in high school and just found it
 Apr 2016 Nicole S
BB Tyler
 Apr 2016 Nicole S
BB Tyler
The "one-door-leading-to-another" philosophy.
Thru endless halls
will I ever see the sky?

I watch water
stain the walls
and know suddenly of rain.

I claw and kick
the mortar,
I break my fist
and bite
and spit
the blood and bits
of teeth.

I sigh, I sit,
Grow soft and watch
and the water with no bone,
no blood, no foot, no fist,
just motion, mist,
become the wall and crumble it.

The sky beyond the wall is black.
I cannot see.
Still, looking upward
I smile at the wet on my face
and die
just as lightning strikes.
 Apr 2016 Nicole S
Don't fall in love with your friends.

Don't catch eyes with them across a party.
Don't notice how bright their smile shines.
Don't listen to the deafening beautiful sound of their laughter.

When you're drunk and alone, don't say,
"Can I lay my head on your lap?"
Don't notice the gentle way they touch your hair.
Don't admire the way they moved to the floor after you fell asleep.

Don't let the warm embrace go to your head.
When they kiss you,
Don't obsess over the perfection of their lips.
You need to know, he will never kiss you that way again.

When you cry together,
Don't believe it's understanding.
Just know you both are weak.

When you meet again,
Don't let your heart flutter.
Don't stare at them like they are the most beautiful thing in the world.

Don't fall in love with your friends.
You need to know you'll never be anything more than that.
But I fell in love still.
 Apr 2015 Nicole S
Audrey Parent
You don't like coffee
You prefer vanilla
You are a dog person
You like the colour pink
You don't want a tattoo
You look good in beanies
You hate the way you smile
You want to grow your hair long
But won't because I'm gone
You hate shaving in the morning
and in the afternoon
You pretend that everything's alright
You always act the fool
You bruise far to easy
You hate math
and science
and art
and drama
You love working with your hands
You are a faithful man
You praise the Lord our God
You count every step that you take
You counted 1000 steps from your house to mine
You are a **** person
You love the aristocrats
You know every single word to Disney's Hercules
You love her
You regret me
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