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Sep 2014 · 461
idée fixe
NicoleRuth Sep 2014
I follow you blindly
like the dry leaves
floating with the wind
to places of beauty or death
I do not know.
Sep 2014 · 553
Conflicting Perceptions
NicoleRuth Sep 2014
Hair as wild as the Amazon                 Hair crazy and wild
  holding secrets I do not                 that tickles me when we
   wish to know                                  sleep in a drunken haze
                                                            ­               on a tiny bed

   Eyes that scream an                   Eyes colored and different
   intensity I do not                                   that see through the
   wish to pierce me                       smokescreen of my words
                                                           ­                   of deception

Voice as deep                                 Voice that calls me back
as the Mariana trench                       to a place of sanity
  I do not wish to hear                            caressing me to                                     at 4 am                                                    comfort   

Heart tender undercooked flesh           Heart as big as the
  I do not wish to see tear                   population of india
                                                     loving my scars and bruises
                                                         ­       unconditionally

      Keep away .                *Please stay, just one more day.
Sep 2014 · 577
You. Matter.
NicoleRuth Sep 2014
When you are sitting all alone in
the dark with a broken heart,
You Matter.

When you are ignored by the cool
kids in class for your weirdness,
You Matter.

When you sing songs of love which
fall on deaf ears,
You Matter.

When you are made fun of by those
who see to have it all,
You Matter.

When every single thing in your life
is messed up,
You Matter.

You matter to someone,
You matter to me.
This is for my best friend . Just because the one you love turns away leaving you broken. don't you worry. you are not unworthy or not important. you are the single most beautiful person i know and i love you for it.
Aug 2014 · 737
A Broken Child
NicoleRuth Aug 2014
Will I ever be strong enough to not cry?
Why does this foolish heart of mine forgive so easily?
Why can't I just stew in my hate for them?
Wouldn't it be easier that way?
Wouldn't hate reduce every opportunity they get to hurt me?
How can I still love them?
Even after every cruel word and blow they dish out?
Would being an orphan have been any different?
How can you miss that which you never had?
Wouldn't my heart be guarded from the betrayal of my own blood?
What did I ever do to be treated in such hurtful ways?

But a mother is supposed to love and support their child no matter what, Isn't she??
Why doesn't mine be there for me??
Does she not love me??
NicoleRuth Aug 2014
I loved you for every reason one shouldn’t fall in love.

Every word, every action you lashed out forced my heart to long for you even more.

It never was a conventional love filled with dreams and hopes for a better tomorrow.

Rather it was a love of the fallen clinging desperately onto the failed perception of him.

Days and weeks whooshed by in a storm stinging my skin with subtle reminders of your betrayal.

Yet I clung onto a moment of the past and loved you even more.

Brutal words raining down like piercing knives made no difference.

The mistakes, the faults, the cruelty; I loved these more than the possible beauty you could have been.

This never was a love of lovers set to last an eternity.

It was a pained love meant to cease one way or another.

This love of madness and stupidity would soon leave this tortured body.

Leaving it cleansed and pure of all the pain it caused.

It was and always would be a selfish love never meant to be returned.

Just meant to heal and strengthen the once wrecked soul.

And if by a sick twist of fate you could turn around and love me, you would have to let go.

I’d kiss you chastely on those childlike lips that have felt countless many and walk away.

You would finally be whole with the knowledge that that mess of feelings and actions had a purpose.

Walking down your own set path as I on mine you would smile at the glimmering hope of a future of honest love promised to you.
Jul 2014 · 388
NicoleRuth Jul 2014
Love is like the wind,
invisible to the naked eye.
Still making its presence felt,
in the soul of each being.

Comes and goes on its own accord,
no greed or lust to guide.
Caring not for the wants of men,
who struggle to cage it in.

It's the power of letting go
with a smile.
The selflessness to put aside
for the happiness of another.

Holding on to a promise,
for the hope of a tomorrow
Jul 2014 · 2.4k
If I die tonight..?
NicoleRuth Jul 2014
If I die tonight, there is so much to be said that will be left unsaid.

The memories your only company of me.

Time and nature making me one with dirt.

Out of all the people whom I thought I loved or said I did, one has remained the closest to my heart always.

19 years seems far too little a time to have made an impact on the world.

But I hope I may have made a difference in the lives of the few I knew and cherished.

I ask those whom I have hurt to forgive my misdoings.

For no one, not even I could understand the emotional conflicts of this young teenage heart.

I thank the friends who have stayed by my side through the sands of time.

Through every test, every crush and every fight.

For their unfathomable faith in me and their love gave me the strength I needed.

I also thank those who did not stay for long.

Your presence even for the shortest minute in my whirlwind drama of a life was a gift.

You certainly made a difference no matter how short your stay.

The memories of you have stayed with me even though your physical presence could not.

My parents, whom I have blamed, cursed and hated for countless reasons on occasions, I am glad you gave birth to me.

Them adopting me into their family of love, eccentricity and laughter is a gift I can never stop thanking for.

I don't blame them for their faults after all; we humans are all flawed to the core of our souls.

This was not the way I had planned on leaving.

The hopes and dreams and ideas of my young self now lay in the dust beside my cold body.

Nothing but shattered thoughts of what could have been.

The journey ahead is unknown and terrifying to me.

To walk into the tunnel alone is definitely not what I wished for.

To leave those precious without another word or kiss pains me.

I float away into an adventure or oblivion I know not.

Yet I float away all the same.
Jul 2014 · 854
NicoleRuth Jul 2014
Sitting on that wall I look around me.

Memories of the past jostle each other vying for my attention.

Each one taking me back to a different time.

The dark sky above looks pretty much the same as it did all those years ago.

Yet the changes life has taken are too large to go unnoticed.

Its surprising how people who once meant the world now lay in the dust forgotten.

Blowing away with the wind to places we no longer want to follow.

They leave behind just memories.

Something so simple but still have a power over our hearts.

Taking control at moments, forcing us to remember what we hoped to forget.

No eraser can wipe them away, no whitener block them out.

Their vice like grip on our heart stays on for all eternity.
Jul 2014 · 381
NicoleRuth Jul 2014
You fluttered your tiny self through

my garden window,

chirping your singsong tune merrily.

Each morning you sat by that

same window,

your sweet tunes my first music of the day.

All day long I waited for the next


just to hear your sweet notes.

Yet one day i awoke to silence.

Rushing to the window it was cold,

without your cheery self to brighten it.

The same way you brightened my

each day.

No more music was to be heard,

as the morning wizzed by.

You had flown away,

to a place unknown.

A place I could not follow.

So I sit by that same widow

each day,

to sing the notes you sang.

'*** it didn't matter that you left,

what mattered was that  you stayed.

even if just for the shortest period of time.

And it is that I remember and sing of

each day.
Jul 2014 · 320
NicoleRuth Jul 2014
His lips moved fiercely against mine

hands exploring the planes of my body

tickling me as his nails grazed lightly on my stomach

I pull back gasping lungfuls of air

moving my hair to clear my vision

I look into his eyes


for what I still don't know

whatever it was, never revealed itself to me

I sat there disappointed

my clothed dignity in tatters around me

my nakedness bare for carnivores to devoure

Buried deep in my mind a small voice pipes up

'this is wrong' it says

reminding me of the despicableness of my act

Closing my eyes I try to shut off the **** voice

yet it grows louder each second

this was not what I needed... It was not what I wanted
Jul 2014 · 1.7k
NicoleRuth Jul 2014
Darkness slowly invades my body,

Ridding me of all emotion;

Blinding and deafening me,

It’s being as vast as an ocean.

Screaming for mercy,

But my pleas suffocated;

The darkness becomes a part of me,

Its power I overestimated.

Panic finally sets in,

With nothing visible in sight;

All I pray for is redemption,

From darkness’ unending might.

I float away gracefully,

Dark waters welcoming my soul;

The flame within now purged,

In a darkness as black as kohl.

— The End —