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I observe your flaws
Thought I wanted perfect after all the dysfunction
But perfect is ugliness I now know
Embrace the scars, weaknesses and out of the norms
I love to see them, see you as human
Brought back down to earth
But you're still in the clouds
Still bright shining
Still perfect but not all the way through
& that's just the way I love you.
To A Special Person
From the very start,
If you start to get lonely,
remember you are always in my heart,
if you need someone to talk to,
pick up your phone and call me,
I won't be far away as I am always
at home and willing to talk to thee.

To A Special Person,
Very dear to my heart
You are the one I love the most
but I think you knew that from the start

When we first met, I knew we had some special
I just did not know what,
but I know it is something tangible and
will stay in both our hearts.

To a special person,  
that I will never forget
if you ever need me
please give me a call.
We all have that special person,
who has the powers to do anything.
with that contagious smile,
that contagious laugh, that goes on for miles.
That can light up a whole room.  Similar to an applause.
Once one person starts,
Everyone follows.
 Sep 2014 Nicole Dunbar
Some people are special naturally
Neither by endeavor nor by wishing
Their lord makes them that way
For another person and for him, solely
It could be that the Lord has made every mortal unique
But kept the beauty in the eye of the beholder
Only the two who are meant for one another
Can see and feel the difference in their love
Like all exemplary relations this bond needs much patience
Sacrifices have to be made and courage displayed
But once the Lord wills, he needs say only 'Be'
And the destined souls can feel themselves being elated
Once their love blossoms it means they have been blessed
With a relationship none like any other they have ever had
There are no barriers of age or gender; status or physical beauty
It can simply be called destiny
Those special to each other no longer know the meaning of being selfish
Their hearts now contain nothing but pure feelings
It’s a connection between two souls made from the Great light
Intricate and simple side by side
It’s just too hard to describe
Only those who have felt it
Can possibly know what the real deal is
The happiness of being with that special person
The tenderness of his warm feelings
The agony of missing him
Fear of losing him, side by side
The loving words
The magical hugs
The fun chit chats
Messing with others
Those little fights
And the big scary ones too
The emotional scene once the quarrel is over
And soon after which there is uncontrollable laughter
For each moment with that special person
You thank Allah almighty with all you can
In the end you hope that you will be able to stay with that person forever
Both in this world and in the paradise of hereafter
For that’s how special the person really is
It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of it
However, one important thing is to not lose sight of the real truth
You’d better not love that mortal more than the one truly worthy of it
Your creator is the one you ought to love the most
For he’s the one who blessed you with these feeling in the first place
Keep this in mind and all shall be well
Both for you and that special one
A poem about true love :)
Its a blessing from Allah almighty.
I see
Filling their mouths
With nuts,
And scampering to
Their tree to
Hide them,
Store them away for winter.
Deep in the
Bears begin to hibernate.
Near the river,
Beavers are putting
The finishing touches
Onto their dam.
All for the coming winter.
I have all
I need
To keep me
I have my
Cozy, warm bed.
A cup of
Hot chocolate or tea.
And last but not least,
My books.
Inspired by "Winter" by Nikki Giovanni
the worst moment in life
is when the magic and wonder of childhood is taken from you
when you finally are forced to put two and two together
and see that everything you once thought was real
was just tricks and lies from everyone,
your parents
your favorite shows
your relatives
it was just fun and games they all went through it too
but age has subdued the pain
and secretly they too want to go to a simpler time
were fairies and easter bunnies thrive
and you’re so innocent and pure that you will believe everything said to you
and don't we all want to take away the pain of deception and lies
to be a child again to not ever know of deceit
ignorance is bliss

Kylie D
 Jun 2014 Nicole Dunbar
Parents, teachers, guardians, all authority figures
have put this importance
this upmost importance
on the loss of innocence
but they have not stood in the shoes of the teenagers of this age
the teenagers who have lost their innocence
(or if you are apart of the lucky group you are on the cusp of losing it)
its not just the physical aspect
in fact it has nothing to do with having *** at all
losing your innocence is much much more.
Its the first time you see your mom popping pills through the crack in the door
its the first time your own sister steals from you so she can fund her ****** habit
its the first time you get slapped
its the first time you slap someone
its the first time you turn to music, or books, or drugs, or drinking just to get out of your own head
its the first time you'll do anything to be numb for a little while
but its not just the bad stuff
no its beautiful too
its that night you got drunk and sat on your back in the grass and had a conversation with the stars
its looking at that lopsided smile, that dimple, and that chipped tooth and feeling something
its making the wrong decision on purpose because you just need the distraction
so basically what i'm saying is the loss of innocence isn't all bad and it isn't all good
but its something that happens to all of us
theres no defining moment
theres no epiphany where you feel the loss like something physical
its not real or tangible
and its not the same for everybody
for her its standing over her moms casket
for him its when he shot up that first time
for me its all the good and the bad that i wrote down and spit out in this poem
And for you... well thats what you have to figure out.
 Jun 2014 Nicole Dunbar
That terrible moment when
You wake up from your wonderful dream
And you realise
That none of it was true
And that you never got back together
With the person you've lost
And that you never will.

And you're just sat there on your bed
Feeling like somebody stole you something
But nobody did,
It's just that you've realised
The horrible reality of things ;
It's just that you've lost
All your hopes at once ;
It's just that you've grown up
A little bit too fast.

But don't worry, it's fine
To feel depressed because
You're not a child anymore.
 Jun 2014 Nicole Dunbar
Bleeding from the heart
In a metaphorical way
The pain is excruciating
And there is nothing left to say.

They both knew it all along
And knew they had to tell the truth
They didn't love each other
Didn't even care to.

They stare at one another
Lost in emotion and thought
One with tearful eyes
The other also distraught.

It couldn't work out between them
With her deceit and his lies
Though it lasted for years
It was a mosh posh of destruction, with a side of hateful fries.

He cheated every weekend
****** without disgrace
With every man he came across
Then kissed her when he returned home, right on her face.

She deceived him from the start
Marrying him for his money
And spending it all on an addiction
The truth just wasn't very funny.

And when it all came out
With tears and screams
They realized it wasn't meant to be
Their love had fake seams.

But did they ever love each other?
Or was it just a comfort of the placement?
To be in someones arms
Something convenient, though distorted and bent.

When it was all over
They said their goodbyes
And went separate ways
To start separate lives.

She's a lawyer now
Making her own money
Paying for her own addiction
Isn't that funny?

And he came out of the closet
Still ******* without disgrace
And instead of getting kisses
He gets *** all over his face.

So they took roads away from each other
But ended up the same way
Maybe they should have stayed together
It would have been more comfortable, wouldn't you say?
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
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