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The ocean waves mislead me
The wind won't leave me be
Fire tends to lead me astray
But by your side, dear, I'll always stay
The night sky completely baffles me
The grass offers me to graze
Dirt coats upon me,
But your love washes it all away
(not really a poem, just thoughts)
(This is what I think God would want me to say in this time)
Beloved, listen carefully in these days
There are some who will try everything in their power to get you to stop fighting for what you believe. To get you to forget, and do something you’ll regret.
People will tell you that you cant do what you want to achieve in Me.
They will beat you, spit on you telling you your worthless, and not good enough.
BUT LISTEN to Me, I tell you, forget them. Keep their foolish words as far away from your soul as you can. Because if you listen, they will spiritually destroy you, Beloved, remember what the enemy wants. Division, distruction, and to slowly get you to crawl back to your old ways, and loose sight of Me.
But I say do not dwell In your old ways, throw them to the bottom of the ocean and leave them.
I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE SURFACE, I care about your heart. If you want an encounter from me, be real with me….
your mouth could be saying yes but your heart….says no… I don’t look at you as people on this earth, only looking at the surface. I care about your heart.
When you have FEAR, it exposes and takes over you and it controls you and makes you lack hope in ME….

There is nothing in this life that I give you, that will be to difficult for you. You WILL go through trials and hard ships to get you to the place were you will listen, it will be hard but if that’s what it takes to bring you to your knees and hear Me, it will only cause you to grow more like me spiritually. Yet I will NOT leave you. Do NOT live your life in fear, of what other people think, don’t live your life striving to be perfect, you will only fall farther and farther into the devils pit of lies.
 May 2014 Nicole Dunbar
After hardship.
After hardship.
After hardship.

...And why?
"This makes us stronger people,"
My mother always told me
With tears in her eyes

"God knows we need to
Improve something.
He is just giving us an opportunity
To make ourselves better."

And I sort of believe her.
Just a little bit.
Mainly I just think
That life likes to **** on us.

"Oh, your dad got a good job?
Nah, we can't have that.
Lets make it temporary.
This job will last 6 months."

This happens more often than not.
And it's crazy.
I don't know anyone else
Who has it like us.

And I'm not trying to say
That my problems are greater than yours
We all have hardships
They're all just different ones.

Some people have disabilities
Some people are suicidal
Some people abusive lovers, abusive fathers
No, I will not disregard these people

All I'm saying
Is I'm tired of this ****.
It gets real old
Real easily.

And it never seems to end.
After hardship,
After hardship.
Part one of two

— The End —