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Dec 2014 · 624
Some Nights
Nick Summit Dec 2014
Long days, longer nights, nobody to help me sleep tonight.
Body still, mind racing, back and forth it is pacing.
How come? Why me? Some one answer me please.
Breathe in, breath out, I tell my self out loud.
Long Silence, quick beat, my heart is stomping its feet.
Black room, blank stare, waiting for my lids to wear.
Breath in, breath out, until I finally fade out.
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
Spend Wisely
Nick Summit Nov 2014
A creation from big corporations
Living to buy till the day you die
Looking for the best deals, seems like a steal
But its a trap, a well hidden trap
LED TVs you don't need
Black watch you've already got
Smart phones the same as you own
Subconsciously told where to go, what to get,
we forget what is really important.
The friends and family, strong relationships,
And fellowships that make us fortunate.
Spend time on those we still got
Because that can't be bought,
Nov 2014 · 17.4k
Best Mistake
Nick Summit Nov 2014
All my mistakes made me the man I am today
And I wouldn't change any of them
The worse the mistake, the more I can learn
That's why my best mistake was loving you
Nov 2014 · 471
When I'm Like This
Nick Summit Nov 2014
Their faces always look so long when I'm like this
And I barely recognize them when I'm like this
Its like these years never passed when I'm like this
I can only see the kid you truly are when I'm like this
Do you like to be around me when I'm like this
Why do I ask my self questions when I'm like this
I always ask my self questions when I'm like this
Wow, my senses are so much better when I'm like this
Music finally makes sense to me when I'm like this
The most complex ideas seem so simple when I'm like this
But most simple thoughts can become so complex when I'm like this
I focus tends to shift frequently when I'm like this
The world and our life looks much clearer when I'm like this
Might be a bit long for a repetitive approach.
Sep 2014 · 680
Can't Help It
Nick Summit Sep 2014
Nothing to see, so I'll stop looking
Nothing to say, so I'll stop talking
Nothing to hear, so I'll stop listening
Nothing to do, but I'll keep thinking
Always thinking
About everything here, in this world
About everything up, in this sky
About everything done, in this life
About everything except, nothing
Never nothing

— The End —