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 Dec 2014 Nena Twedell
The most important relationship
I will miss you at college, I really will.
I won’t miss the wrinkled brows, at my too-heavy-eyeliner wearing face.
But i’ll probably come home make up free
with a head full of purple hair.
I know i’ll walk through the door sometime and you’ll be horrified.
And maybe you won’t want to sit in Starbucks with me.

And when your friends are bragging about their daughters,
saying mine got a full ride to Notre Dame,
or mine was recently proposed to,
you’re going to say,
“mine is happy.”
And maybe that will be enough.
S* ome of
T he reasons
A re not enough for
Y ou  
but I want them to be,    *DON'T GO !
 Nov 2014 Nena Twedell
 Nov 2014 Nena Twedell
This world
is chaulk full of abuse
Kids bully
from early youth
Learning from angry parents
It's a tradition
Handed down
Someone please
Break the cycle
Learn to discipline
with love
Tolerate in peace
Learn to understand
Children are gifts from above
Do what you should
Pay attention
Gain respect  
with unconditional love
Yeah I totally love being single!
You can do what you want whenever you want without obligations or having to think about anyone else you can flirt shamelessly with as many guys as you like, there is no pressure to look good for anyone I love that I have all this me time where I can spend a Saturday night reading and listening to the music I like without trying to decode mixed signals in text messages
I never have to depend on anyone but myself.
No one is stressing me out by depending on me.
I can sit by myself on the couch home alone when everyone else is out
And feel completely isolated, unloved and unlovable
I can feel so ugly and obsess over it
I can scroll through pictures of pretty celebrities and models and girls I know online bitterly wishing I looked like them and could be like them so that maybe someone would notice me and give me a chance
I can scream at the radio for playing stupid love songs
I can eat ice cream and chocolate wondering why I am such a waste of space
Thinking of all the guys who have rejected me and dropped me over the years
Have no one to love
Or who loves me
No guy I can trust with my secrets and loyalty
No one who needs me
No one to want
Or make me feel wanted
To spend nights together
Just talking
And watching movies
Being cutesy and flirty with
Lie hand in hand with
No one I can gush about to my friends
No one I can bake for
No one I can buy stuff for, just 'cause
No one I can do random couples stuff with
No one in my life
It's pretty great.
I love being single.
There is nothing wrong with being single btw I dont mean to offend anyone I'm just saying that I PERSONALLY don't deal with it well. Good for all of you other single people out there who have found a way to love single life.
Repost if you also **** at dealing with being single though
I stand upon my bridge and sigh.
I watch my tears run and flow as it joins the water down below.
I stand upon this bridge of mine and cry.
As my tear asks the question
Why is it I feel I'm denied?
Did I lie never confide.
Where and when did I die inside?
My Bridge part 1 of 8 about my struggles
She rights me,
ignites me and
brightens up
the day

I'd like to say
I do the same but
I'm a candle with no flame.

She said,
she'll fix it.
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