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Life is to death, what day is to night.
An endless cycle, harsh til the end.
An endless cycle, with no end in sight.

Life is to death, what day is to night.
Bitter enemies and inseparable friends.
Life is to death, what the dark is to light.

Life after death, which garners more might?
To which god will your knee make its bend?
An endless cycle, neither wrong, nor right.

Life or death, which is a scarier blight?
Both claim the lives of women and men.
Both make our lives a struggle to fight.

Life is to death, what day is to night.
An endless cycle, harsh til the end.
An endless cycle, with no end in sight.

Life is to death, what the moon is to night.
An endless cycle, sweet til the end.
An endless cycle, with no end in sight.
At the end of it, will I head towards light? ..
 Dec 2014 Natalie
Samir Lal
When the rain falls
The sun will rise
But the trees won’t grow at all

Brother calls
Sister cries
When the rain falls

We grow tall
We inch closer to our demise
But the trees won’t grow at all

Our emotions brawl
Our heart sighs
When the rain falls

We can stall
All of our strength can arise
But the trees won’t grow at all

Our backs against the wall
There is no prize
When the rain falls
But the trees won’t grow at all
 Dec 2014 Natalie
Simon Tyroler
Sloths have got it right
Live at top speed you die young
Live slow die never

Seriously man
Sloths know what is up no doubt
Live slow die never

If I were a sloth
I would not write any haiku
Live slow die never

Razor sharp claws for
Nails, wearing algae like camo
Live slow never fail

Time to get out of
Bed no no no no no no
Live slow die never

Fight the power and
Bring the man down, later bro
Live slow die never

Sloth sloth sloth sloth sloth
Sloth sloth sloth sloth sloth sloth sloth
Live slow die never

Sloth grabs his own arms
Falls to his death from high trees
Live slow, die. Splat!

Shifted from the floor
Of the forest sloth rises
Live slow never die
 Nov 2014 Natalie
The snow is falling and all I can remember
Is you screaming at the sky imploring it to stop crying
Before you started too
The house lights start to flicker and the clocks all turn to zero
I guess that even time respects our storms
We identified ourselves as clouds it was always you and me
And I can't remember a time when either of us cried alone
I like to think that the longer we last
The more warm and honest we become
But seasons still change and everything we grew will die soon
We drift apart from time to time but somehow we never seem to get far
Always held together like magnets bending gravity
I don't think I'll ever get used to this every time the door closes
I have a panic attack because I can't hear your heart beating anymore
The blood pounding in my own ears is not enough
And I don't need a nightlight just your hand when things get too dark
The perfect man does not exist -
No matter what they say.
Because every man
Has the tendency to walk away.
I wrote this to my boyfriend in 2003. He walked away.
 Nov 2014 Natalie
Public Diary
Sext: listen to our song and feel your heart crumble in your chest
 Nov 2014 Natalie
Hayley Coleman
You told me we were a movie,
But we were more than a 2 hour scripted piece of art.
I remember the willow trees and how they'd weep over us when we felt like weeping, too.
I remember the sunsets and how they came around 7:30 pm,
Now the fickle sun sets at 4 pm.
I remember the girl who told us we were beautiful,
In her own way
she was a sign of the great perhaps before us.
I remember desperately wanting to kiss you,
Even though I reserved those moments for the late nights we were intoxicated
when you somehow made your way into my arms every time
And how our lips would accidentally brush against each other,
And innocently.
I can't help but realize that you must have known how I felt
And how much I wanted to hold you.
Or how when you rested your head on my shoulder that one morning,
You definitely could hear my heart skip a beat.
So maybe if you're right, and if this is a movie,
You've chosen to end it.
Or maybe you've decided your character has moved on,
Leaving me alone under the shade of the willow trees
With my cigarettes and 4 pm sunsets.

The end
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