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Jul 2018 · 274
Beauty in the flesh
solace in your soul
Exchange my love for yours
for yours will fill the hole
For years i hunted prey
but let em get away
My gullet would decay
lacking food for days ;

Nothing underneath the blazing sun is new to earth
devils told to follow me the day my moms gave birth
a ***** gotta prove what he worth
Or end up like my brothers just another mothers curse.
Jul 2018 · 261
My blessing is a curse
if time would reverse
It wouldn't ****** work
but beauty sprouts from dirt ;

Uhh ;
what the **** is wrong
Travelin that narrow *** road too long
thin line like a tight rope like a thong
Weak in the legs when she look like a fawn..

Devils head strong fed from gnawin off my back
my flesh heal slow nd they constantly attack
Time would pass me by
i will not let you go
The apple of my eye
Nov 2017 · 315
It seems that my depression is garbage at teaching lessons
no food in my digestion
My mind clouded in questions
while looking for the answers
Time was running by
she will not look my way
Until my time to die
Nov 2017 · 415
Chasing the alluring
everyones a hunter
Until you are down under
and can no longer plunder ;
the shadow from the light that you had cast
I felt the cool inside and hoped our days would never pass
green grass didn't seem to help too much
Grey clouds danced in the skies in the clutch ;
I failed
i let my people down
Drowned beneath my sorrows
i couldn't make a sound.
Aug 2017 · 361
Lift a spliff in heaven
smoke it in hell ;
Feast for days inside the moments
i wasnt expelled ;
From your presence
your love
The gift you give us all ;
my angel i have fallen
I cant get past the wall.
Jul 2017 · 323
Used to see ****
on the roads
On the dark sides
Used to love to love
now i hate
Cuz my hearts fried
all i did was give
Gave to much
now im empty
Wanna be alone
not in love
Please dont temp me..
Jun 2017 · 384
Is it selfish of my soul to wanna die
throwing every issue
My family behind
im fine
No really
i swear ill be ok
Basking in the heat
as the sun rules the day
Jun 2017 · 277
I bear little fruit
so your seed was a waste
Running out of excuses
running as monkeys chase
2nd face talking ****
Though we all have a few
rinse the smell of defeat
Rise again feeling new
Jun 2017 · 343
Clear skies
straight out the woods
Birds will advocated for joy
its misunderstood

I dig deep
deep down inside
Pull out everything i felt for you and toss it aside

Watch my heart decompose
watch the sun rise again
Watch the leaves flutter down
wish to die yet again
Angels blessing my mind
devils clutching my spine
Iv been running forever
but their always behind
Air adorning the lands  
curse the gods for this grievance
As you slip through my hands..
Jun 2017 · 270
Still living your dream
though you seem unhappy
Was this all unwanted ?
why your words attacked me ?
I had ate what you gave me
there was no other choice
You would bless me with food
and my stomach rejoiced
Growing older around you
it was hard not to see
You created us three
but were no longer free
Chains adorning your body
me my sister and i
You were bound when you made us
you'll be bound till you die.
Jun 2017 · 492
Did not wish to be another waste of space
adorned with your mind
Blessed with your face
growing up first not last malefactor
Wishing he could die not cry times after
you molded what i liked
You modeled role for me
you did things in the shade
As if i wouldn't see
Im happy when im high
Floating like the leaves
when winter is afoot
When carried by the breeze
Jun 2017 · 323
Same cycle
same lack of love and feeling
Lack of self worth in my character revealing
chase you round in circles
Iv fallen many times
my face inside the mud
I taste the **** and grime
wipe the dirt off fast
And catch up to my love
my gorgeous gift from heaven
My blessing from above
May 2017 · 466
Some of me wants to scream
most of me wants to die
Devils climbing like monkeys
tearing all at my spine
Try to leave em behind
chasing after divine
When i wake from my rest
devils infest my mind
I heard existence is pain
i heard pain makes you strong
My lack of patience is ******
this narrow road is too long
To keep you my pride was tucked
draining myself of luck
Raining such heavy drops
straining in mud im stuck
Shallow is not the muck
screaming out what the ****
Breaking my housing walls
heading depressions call
Shaking the tree for fruit
waiting for some to fall
All of the fruit was rotten
by mistorturne im mauled.
Apr 2017 · 298
Goals in the sky
Why care
you put a blade square in my back
Why there ?
would rather you have stabbed
From where my eyes could see
why you run away ?
Why can i not see
why throw my heart toward you
Why care
why you lookin at me strange
Why stare
why snare..
When you said you'd rather be..
flying through the air
Instead of tied to me..
Apr 2017 · 289
if i rip my heart out will you keep it..
Apr 2017 · 297
If the floor was change
it broke
I fell through
lotta things on my mind i wont tell you
Devils eat at me inside
my issues
Don't need to close the hole
i like the gusts of wind
Flying through my **s o u l.
Apr 2017 · 222
Swept off my feet into a bed of ******* spikes
Apr 2017 · 212
I shouldn't have allowed
your lack of care and love
to change the way i am
deranged from push and shove
Apr 2017 · 430
So im told
stay within the mold
Disobey the old
following the young
eating all the fruit
Nature's very giving
humans are obtuse
We are ''liberating''
killing them for killing
It's quite debilitating
To watch
blood filled socks  
Negative experience
need to detox ;
I dont ******* care
about your **** or ***
Your soul is pretty foul
the *** ill always pass
Id rather have l o v e..
Apr 2017 · 275
R a i n
love is an illusion
a numbing of the pain
that someone that you want
will turn the clear to rain
Apr 2017 · 309
T o l d
Part of me should listen
wont take my own advice
I told you so from trees
their usually always right
I tried to purely give
without receiving much
Im weak
i cant
Go on without your touch
engulfed in your molasses
Your shiesty potent potion
hardens me in place
And drains me of emotion
nothing there to change
You do not want us to grow
ill take my bag of seeds
And find a place to sow
Apr 2017 · 214
People go
adjust to the flow
If they come back
to stay
Their in the way
Apr 2017 · 191
Once believed in love
the language of the trees
Feeling incandescent
your presence a disease
Care only a little
don't over fill the cup
For then the structure withers  
and everything is ******
Your formula is rigid
the way you love is odd
It ***** i cant agree
or settle so that we
Could be..
#love #bummed #nature
Apr 2017 · 313
I feel numb
no one hears the beat of my drum
Ill dance alone until i find the place that i come ;
isn't love grand
That thing that you'v been searching for
killing grains of sand
Exploring different lands
to leave with empty hands
My grievances expand
my ship is undermanned
Im lacking words for you
inside a bottle crammed
No plans
no tools
Just aching in the sun
don't wanna catch your feelings
You toss them and ill **r u n
Apr 2017 · 788
H e a v y
Why chase after people
they drop you when your heavy
Inside overflowing
its broken through the levee
Why should i try
feels better when i lie
Wishing i could die
eyes to the skies
Nature talking wise
don't always understand
Though ears are open wide..
most days im like..
*******  everything
humanity concerned with making money over everything
I probly wont be happy even when iv obtained everything
walking towards success is tiresome my insides hemorrhaging..
On the days i wanna live
i have so much of it..
So much love to give
it oozes out my mouth
But no one hears me out
i feel too weak to shout
Theres too much oozing **out
Apr 2017 · 253
Severed ties
eating up the lies spewed by the passers by
stemming from relenting compromise
Knowing that i shouldn't
but couldn't stop the cries
id like to say **** joy
It left me far behind
i found myself a void
Adeptly self destroyed
it fits like a glove
Was never one for faking
no mask on my mug
Id give to the sun a hug
don't wanna be around
****** inside my head
my feet glued to the ground
Apr 2017 · 274
When i meditate my demons sit and laugh
at least they acknowledge my existence
I fell in love for nada
the pain has helped me grow ;
and cold
It iced
my soul
Its cool
id rather live as minced and severed flesh
Than handing you my love and in return receiving stress
forsake me
Ditest me
leave me here to die
Id rather cut myself than let you slice me open wide
Apr 2017 · 507
I hope i was the only one
going into love
Thinking it'd be fun ;
excuse me
For those many moments i was loopy
scribbling my hatred into notebooks and looseleaf..
Eyes covered well
excited by your voice
Following your smell
i threw away my shell
To keep up with the pace
but then you said farewell
As far as i could tell..
Apr 2017 · 306
Personal Space
Love is a violation of my personal space , *******.
Apr 2017 · 231
Slowly it will die
one must take precaution
When letting someone slide
They'll stab you
then tell you they are sorry
They wont remove the blade
their care is often shoddy

Apologies are insufficient medicine for wounds
hugs will not suffice in medicating toxic fumes  
Love is all i asked of you it seems it was too much
id rather be alone instead of longing for your touch
A crutch
a burden
A dream i couldn't grasp
true love is only seen with TV cast's..
Apr 2017 · 227
I am not a drug
for you
To use
or test
For her
Loved very greatly
until things were shakey and
I was left achey..
Apr 2017 · 264
Rise like the sun
fall like the moon
The food is preserved
like tut in the tomb
Ache till you die
or rise from your grievance
Be someone great
they'll marvel at achievement
If they disagree
you'll wallow in a sea
Of what you should've done
of what you couldn't be
Disregard the people
they know not what they do
They do not look inside
they only look at you
Apr 2017 · 384
Blame revolving issues on foreign and ruling entities
fall in love again and my friend again is my enemy
I am not the same as i was
before you severed me
Knowing that when push comes to shove
you wont remember me
Guess i cannot fill in this void
with someones pleasantries..
You really don't belong
inside my deepest thoughts
My feelings are still strong
i hate that..
Apr 2017 · 416
Practically d e a d
Nobody cares bout your heart ache
start making money
Walkin round town folks
looking at me funny ;
No practical skills
not a lawyer or a genius but..
I can tell you how it feels
in multitudes of ways
To not wanna be real
to want to fade away ;
I can show you how
my inner being drowned
From being in this town
from staying on the ground ;
Everyones an alpha dog
always looking down ;
Never eat the scraps
just leave them on the ground ;
I often danced to sounds
like no one was around
To noise they couldn't hear
till no one was around..
Apr 2017 · 298
The way i feel inside does not match my expression
Apr 2017 · 333
Heavy noggin
Everybody's trying to be appealing
As heaven
As love
As money
As trust
As ***
Im stressed
This test
Of life
Has me
A mess

Is it selfish to long for what one needs
Id hate to be labled by lust
And greed

Am i stupid for falling in love again
It feels like it
I dont like it
Apr 2017 · 396
Unseen like the breeze
they say its a disease
Lack essentials
nice parental ;
Seemed it meant nada
remain low key
If you not a top shotta  ;
so it goes
Ache from the soul
never feel whole
Till his hands reach his goal
high like the sun
Drive wasn't fun
regret filled his lungs
Exhaled lots
got got ;
Buried in the shade
trees kept him cool
Against his cards raged
friends out phased
Tall walled maze
pretty ****** lost
Slummed out days
Apr 2017 · 601
I sleep with the light on, reminds me of you.
Apr 2017 · 446
Smile on a mask
vile for the cash
Survival is ***
connive till you last
knives show you how
long you can thrive
Get with the times
or don't stay alive
Message propagated
poison concentrated
Pick your favorite one
and grow decompensated ;
Young fool
old school like dunkaroos
Demons like the kool aid man
straight bustin through..
Mar 2017 · 232
Your presence was a blessing
your blessing was a curse
You made me feel the best
you made me feel the worst
You took till there was nothing
now baron like the trees
In frigid winter months
your love was a disease
For months i thought of you
a pain
I let the blood loss soak the floor
and stain
bitter to the tongue
into death traps i am sprung.
Mar 2017 · 242
When innocence is lost
The world will give you shame
Mar 2017 · 251
Lonely filthy mind
it didn't match his body
My body's age behind
i cant
the hate you make me feel
People are like mirrors
my true self is revealed
You choose someone to love
and give them all you can
If they do not choose you
you feel alone again.
Mar 2017 · 306
Rather sleep
I hope no one else wakes up feeling dead i n s i d e
Mar 2017 · 252
What is rest
hole in his chest
Energy irrelevant
his body use less
Depression had a grip
he felt useless
Blinded by love
he felt foolish
Mar 2017 · 245
Visions of a place
that permanently change
Expressions on my face

Drugs for the discomfort
a temporary joy
Though when it settles down
again i feel devoid

Hills and pretty skies
animals and trees
Are better company
than those surrounding me

Cyanide in seeds
he thought to pick a bunch
And blend them in a mix
to rise above the slump

Weakness comes with strength
darkness moves with light
My yin is missing yang
i lost my will to fight
Mar 2017 · 257
When they said
love is blind
That was not a lie
when i reached
Out to you
i shouldn't have tried

Tons of fish in water
the sharks will catch the slow
I wish i could be eaten
but life wont let me go
Mar 2017 · 317
Babe ;
I don't call her that cuz she's not mine..
Mar 2017 · 415
Out of gas
out of joy
lacking energy
A mess
anxiety inside
My chest
im pressed
Looking for an answer
something to clear the way
My mind perplexed and clouded
with heaving disarray
I used you as a bridge
you broke as i was crossing
I hate myself for this
no medicine for pain
The harm has much to give
iv everything to gain
Mar 2017 · 466
No one's sweet anymore
people taste bitter
Everyman for themselves ;
my heart crying
Where is love ;
that honey flavored bliss i wish to find
So that i forget about the blades which came behind
Mar 2017 · 335
P e o p l e  **** , pretend to care but never gave a *******
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