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 Jul 2014 Shayna
Joshua Haines
She said people were seasons,
and when I first met her, I couldn't agree more.  
After getting to know her, I wished that I didn't.
Her ex-lovers were Winter, and her eyes were a shade of Spring.
I could see the vulnerability of a car crash
swimming in each fountain trapped behind her emeralds.
She was beautiful in the way that could cause suicides,
and fix spider-webbed windshields after each collision of,
“Are you okay,” and, “I’m fine; I promise.”

Every story was Winter, and she was always left alone in the snow.
Mauve lips mouthed words that silently whispered,
"When is this too much? When are you going to leave?"

People are patterns,
and all she knew was the tessellation of temporary love and permanent loss.
Her hands trembled as she looked down.
She was in transit; moving after each hope of home fell apart.
And I wanted to kiss her like the world was falling apart.
Hold me close
don't let me go, tonight
our lips and tongues
will dance their goodbyes

As our fingers follow
familiar trails on flesh
that remembers only a time
when we were lovers
 Jul 2014 Shayna
Jack R Fehlmann
The Other Side of Leaving

Never had it that way...
Never felt that side of leaving.
Haven't heard pain,
Never heard pleading
for me to please,
please not leave...
Baby please stay...
Haven't made the choice to stop feeling...
On the other side of leaving
its always been me on the damaged end
Not to be, must be something.
Or is it more difficult?
How would I explain?
When I don't fully understand...
Hearts change?
Could I let you down just to walk away?
All while knowing...
Having myself felt that pain,..
I've never had it that way.
The other side of leaving
 Jul 2014 Shayna
Shruti Atri
Do not look at me like that.
With those eyes that see only what is shone to you.
And you accept all of it.
No questions asked.
No logic, no reason to seek.
I am not just an object you can look at.

Do not look at me like that.
With the judgment of their thoughts
That you so shamelessly replicate
in your feeble, feeble mind.
No originality.
You bore me in your dullness.
I am not who you think I am.

Do not look at me like that.
With ears filled with their whispers.
I can hear them too, you know.
You're not very discreet.
I am not defined by the stories they say.

I am not an open book,
Or a single shade,
Or a monotone.
I feel nothing for their interests.
I am not alive in their ballads of woe.

I am alive in myself.
I am the abstract, I am the obtuse.

My colors, range to infinity.
My stories have happy sad tormenting everafters.
I do not care for their hollow affection or their false ratification.
I am unattached and I breathe fire--

I'm ablaze in my little place of ease.
Even alone, I have found my love...
She was there along.
Residing in me,
It was always--

*I am myself. That is enough.
Inspired by the line: 'I am myself. That is not enough.' - by Sylvia Plath, from The Jailer.
 Jul 2014 Shayna
C Davis
Oh, What a View!
      from this hazy morning hue,

Familiar faces        interlacing
    back-trip Flashes
Heart is Racing

In my brain &
  through my veins
i still feel the
                       ACID STAIN

Recollections of
Reckless Havoc,
Wreaked when I was
Trapped in Magic

  last night
                                           who was i ?

  right now i'm fading from my sight

I am here while i am There
and I have yet to    Find my Mind .
(disregard the circumstances under which I wrote this poem.)
 Jul 2014 Shayna
800 times
 Jul 2014 Shayna
I have slept in my bed 800 times
799 times I have slept in between sheets alone, without you
And yet that 735th night
Is what haunts me on night 801
Without you.
I need to get a new bed
And new sheets
And new skin
That you have not touched me in.
 Oct 2013 Shayna
 Oct 2013 Shayna
gay gay gay
gay gay gay
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