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Miss Fit Sep 2021
It's in the beautiful target
Of a calculated smile
Thoughts of a rose
Stemmed by thorns
Beautiful mistakes...  
Giving birth to dreams
Distorted realities manifesting grace

Miss Fit⚓
  Sep 2021 Miss Fit
She had sunlight in her eyes
She had leaves in her hair
She had fruit in her chest
She had flowers between her legs
But you took that from her
She didnt have a choice
She has oceans in her eyes
She  has your smoke in her chest
She has rocks in her stomach
She has blood on her sheets
She has a snake in her bed
  Sep 2021 Miss Fit
I am an early bird
My creativity wakes me up from my sleep
I dream about poetry
My nights are wonderlands
I am a poet
I am an original
Poets are original thinkers.
Miss Fit Jan 2021
I cleaned them one
Time. I thought I was done
I even dried them on a white towel
They were dry, well
They seemed clean
They should have been

Until I stepped on a white floor
I hadn't stepped outside the door
So I wondered where I got all that mud
Like I'd been walking miles
Now tracking dirt on my mother's white tiles
I wiped the dirt
Kneeling on my skirt
And got up with a smile
That lasted but a while

I cleaned them twice
I lathered
I rinsed
I repeated
They were clean indeed!
Then the test came again
I was ready, for I believed Not in working in vain
But I failed it yet again
And even worse
It felt like a curse
I tracked blood

Miss Fit [the lady king]
Miss Fit Apr 2019
There are days when the music is too loud
And the grass looks too green
There are mornings when the **** crows too proud
And mama's cheerful wakeup call sounds too mean

There are days when my dreams seem too blury
When past nightmares seem too scary
There are mornings when my goals are too high
And my arms are too tired to reach for anything but the nigh

There are days when my head is too heavy to lift
When even my eyelids are too heavy to lift
There are mornings when my eyelashes are forced to sweep
My cheeks and be drenched in the tears I weep

There are days when I wake up and wish I had stayed asleep
Remembering how I didn't sleep last night counting sheep
The drowsy feeling of last night lapses into the insomnia of today
And the dreams of yesteryear bounce off my head like a faded light ray

Only on those days when the sweet music doesn't speak to my soul
And the green of the grass might as well be grey,
Do I shamefully and pitifully wallow
In the sweet, sticky, dry tears on my pillow

Only on those mornings when the **** crows continuously, monotony its tone
And mama calls for me to wake up, a few hours after my first wink, in a
voice that's a slow, dull, monotone
Do I shamefully and pitifully wallow
In the sweet, sticky, dry tears on my pillow

Miss Fit
If you've ever cried yourself to sleep thinking that by daylight you'll be okay, just to wake up crying still...then you'll understand.
Miss Fit Apr 2019
You and I are as thick as thieves
So I know your nightmares  

You've tossed and turned
Your eyes burned
You rolled and churned
Your sweet dreams were thrown away
And nightmares took their place
The sweet tunes of a lullaby seem to continually fade away
Like you no longer have a special place
In the
Musicians heart.
I know what you face  

From burning hot like fire, everything turned as cold as ice
From wings taking you higher
To being unable to devise
Solutions to rekindle the fire
"This dream has never been yours"
They say
"Had you been a little wiser
You could have owned it," you hear everyday  
The words have turned into the monsters you fear
Mermaids, centaurs, mystical creatures
With long nails, sharp teeth, unrecognizable features
**** joys, depressants, unforgivable teachers
They've scarred you, marred you into an inexplicable stature
But I watch you nurture
The pain 'til it's a part of your nature  

Surprisingly I'm the one fighting everyday
Hoping you won't fail
You're the one in prison denying yourself bail
I'm trying to make you run the sail
But you're walking the plank
Yet I still see a captain in your soul
Every time you come to me in pieces
I'm puzzled
How anyone can fail to accept you never ceases
To leave my mind boggled
Because I understand the colourful 'patchwork' that is your heart
And instead of confusing, raggedy mismatched pieces,
I see a rainbow.    

Miss Fit
Life gives you those people who fail to see their worth and sometimes it's worth it to remind them that you know what they go through.
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