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 Feb 2017 Mirds
lost girl
Dear Mom
 Feb 2017 Mirds
lost girl
I'm sorry for being a bad daughter
Especially since you were both my mother & my father.

I'm sorry for all the times I snuck out & came home late
Especially since I knew the sight of my empty bed would make you faint.

I'm sorry for all the times I made you cry
Especially since I knew how much you would try.

I'm sorry for saying all those words of hate
Especially since it is now far too late.

I'm sorry I realized late
That you were far too great.

I love you mom
 Feb 2017 Mirds
Bianca J Cortez
Side by side, we've traveled
Through the darkness, into the light
Within pain, we found strength
Within heartache, we found passion
Within the oceans, we found peace
And within our hearts, we found love
May you thrive in unrest, and find love in understanding.
May you see beauty in the most evil of spirits.
And may you accept whatever is yet to come;
For we've been put on Earth to challenge chaos.
 Feb 2017 Mirds
Jor For
 Feb 2017 Mirds
Jor For
My mom was abused by her dad
My dad abused my mom
My sister was abused by her boyfriend.    
(and my dad)
My lover was abused by her ex
My closest friends abuse themselves
I keep  my distance
 May 2016 Mirds
Michael Blonski
Cut me
while I sleep

Take my heart
if you're in

Take it
while it's still

It's only slightly
and partially

It no longer dreams
but it's
at peace

It won't
be the end of me
If it's the beginning
of you
 May 2016 Mirds
Charles Bukowski
I cut the middle fingernail of the middle
right hand
real short
and I began rubbing along her ****
as she sat upright in bed
spreading lotion over her arms
and *******
after bathing.
then she lit a cigarette:
"don't let this put you off,"
an smoked and continued to rub
the lotion on.
I continued to rub the ****.
"You want an apple?" I asked.
"sure, she said, "you got one?"
but I got to her-
she began to twist
then she rolled on her side,
she was getting wet and open
like a flower in the rain.
then she rolled on her stomach
and her most beautiful ***
looked up at me
and I reached under and got the
**** again.
she reached around and got my
****, she rolled and twisted,
I mounted
my face falling into the mass
of red hair that overflowed
from her head
and my flattened **** entered
into the miracle.
later we joked about the lotion
and the cigarette and the apple.
then I went out and got some chicken
and shrimp and french fries and buns
and mashed potatoes and gravy and
cole slaw,and we ate.she told me
how good she felt and I told her
how good I felt and we
ate the chicken and the shrimp and the
french fries and the buns and the
mashed potatoes and the gravy and
the cole slaw too.
 May 2016 Mirds
Charles Bukowski
she's young, she said,
but look at me,
I have pretty ankles,
and look at my wrists, I have pretty
o my god,
I thought it was all working,
and now it's her again,
every time she phones you go crazy,
you told me it was over
you told me it was finished,
listen, I've lived long enough to become a
good woman,
why do you need a bad woman?
you need to be tortured, don't you?
you think life is rotten if somebody treats you
rotten it all fits,
doesn't it?
tell me, is that it? do you want to be treated like a
and my son, my son was going to meet you.
I told my son
and I dropped all my lovers.
I stood up in a cafe and screamed
and now you've made a fool of me. . .
I'm sorry, I said, I'm really sorry.
hold me, she said, will you please hold me?
I've never been in one of these things before, I said,
these triangles. . .
she got up and lit a cigarette, she was trembling all
over.she paced up and down,wild and crazy.she had
a small body.her arms were thin,very thin and when
she screamed and started beating me I held her
wrists and then I got it through the eyes:hatred,
centuries deep and true.I was wrong and graceless and
sick.all the things I had learned had been wasted.
there was no creature living as foul as I
and all my poems were
 May 2016 Mirds
Charles Bukowski
It's never quite right, he said, the way people look,
the way the music sounds, the way the words are
It's never quite right, he said, all the things we are
taught, all the loves we chase, all the deaths we
die, all the lives we live,
they are never quite right,
they are hardly close to right,
these lives we live
one after the other,
piled there as history,
the waste of the species,
the crushing of the light and the way,
it's not quite right,
it's hardly right at all
he said.

don't I know it? I

I walked away from the mirror.
it was morning, it was afternoon, it was

nothing changed
it was locked in place.
something flashed, something broke, something

I walked down the stairway and
into it.
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