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 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
He ripped open
my chest and planted
seeds in my lungs
hoping to
grow flowers
But only weeds
emerged from
the scar he left.

 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
I don't miss your lies.
I don't miss how you used me.
I don't miss how you never cared.
I don't miss how you hurt me constantly.
I don't miss how you'd yell at me.
I don't miss how you made me cry.
I don't miss feeling alone even though I had you.
I don't miss telling you I love you.
I don't miss contemplating whether I should leave.
I don't miss how I was afraid of you.
I don't miss how angry you were.
I don't miss your threats.
I don't miss how you treated me.
I don't miss you.

If I could sweep away
my memories,
you would fall beneath
the underside of my stove
with the dust
forgotten things.
*And I'll not think twice
about leaving you there.
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
Nirali Shah
The wood and it's ashes
Suspended into the atmosphere
Embraced the fog and the curled up cat
Who purred
And drifted into her dream
While the old watchman
Watched the fire go out
Reflecting upon his bifocals.

Drunken boys
Walked with a drunken walk
Into their houses
Drifted off to sleep
Wishing they woke up
To lust and money
That came from nowhere.

The homeless
Slipped into their rags and papers
Wanting to wake up
To, oh well,just another day
With promised food.
While rats re-scavenged
On the scavanged morsels

The women sang songs
Of elves to their newly born
Who understood none
Yet slipped into a world
Of ambiguity
Till the dawn

The day slept
Within the blanket of darkness
And a moon
Full of cheese and a rabbit within
Made of a whole bunch of craters
That soaked up
Hunger,thirst,failure and fatigue
Of the day

Falling in and out of people
And tears
That only fell out
Whispered into the ears of tomorrow
To be better
To be less deceitful.
February 5,2015
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
SG Holter
To write food in the stomach
Of every hungry child.

To spell war as peace,
Metaphorize flowers into the barrel

Of every gun on Earth.
The poet has responsibilities

Beyond those of mothers,
Of kings and presidents.

I refuse to give up hope;  
This could be a poem world.

Come on, write your worst piece
Of literature.

Even misprints may give other
Meanings to a word,

Write me a green sky, blue dirt,
Trees the colour of air.

Sometimes the best poets
Have the least to say,

So keep writing, write until your
Fingers fall asleep.

Write until you havent slept
For weeks in search of that word,

That one right word,
Then rest on a notebook pillow

And dream the world right.
Write the world right.

There is no such thing as
Wasted poetry.
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
I'm ready to fall

But will you be there to catch me
Or will I just hit the ground
And shatter into pieces as I fall?

I'm ready to fly

But will you fly with me
And soar up high in the sky
Or you'll just let me fly away?

I'm ready to give us a try

But will you still let me,
See if we are meant to be
Or have you already been tired of waiting for me?

I'm ready to live

But will it be happiness that you'll bring
And let me feel loved
Or will you let me live while dying from a broken heart?

I'm ready to learn

But what will you teach me?
Will it be how to love with all my heart
Or how to move on and forget the love of my life?

I'm ready to lose it all*

But would you be there to complete me again
And let me feel like I haven't lost at all
Or will you be the one that I will lose?
The ones in bold are lyrics from the song "Ready to Fall"
I am gazing up through mirrored glass
At dreams and aspirations once abundant in my mind
I watch them as they float overhead
Sorrowful, and mourning at the distance, the barriers
But in this mirrored glass
I see only my own mourning
And the sorrow of my life fragmenting
And slipping away amongst the riptides
Whilst currents pull me under and under
Where I stare at my own failures
I am thousands of fathoms deep
And still sinking
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