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Her lips wrote
All over the walls
Shook down all
The Apples
And let them fall
Picked them up
One by one
Tasted them
Remembered each lesson
Straight down to the core
She ran on empty
far too long
She kneeled
At the alter of creativity
And began to write
 Aug 2018 Mike Hauser
Lillian May
whilst the plants during winter wait
they wait for warmth and springtime rain
whilst they do so,
the ground welcomes the quiet snow:
if they, so I.
the snow embraces the ground and trees
singing soft and enamoring melodies
the trees do not fret or cry spitefully,
but instead appreciate the cold beauty:
if they, so I.
there is pain in the wait, but joy as well
a chest for two reasons could easily swell
with anger or laughter and it is a choice,
we the tuners the tone of our voice:
if they, so I.
what does that mean?
why love the snow that hides summer's green?
why must we wait to enjoy the sun?
so I say, the flowers still bloom when their time come:
if they, so I.
 Aug 2018 Mike Hauser
Lillian May
I look
               all my life
I hope one day this will belong to someone
The Recipe for a good life
Count your blessings not your problems
Value people not possessions
Keep in mind that nothing lasts forever , so make lasting memories
Try to give more than you receive
Give to those in need
Have more friends than regrets
Be grateful for the start of each new day
It is a chance for a new beginning
Stir in kindness compassion and understanding
Share generously  with those you meet
Serve with a smile and with gratitude
Double or triple the recipe by seasoning it with Love
Watch it grow in yourself and others.
 Aug 2018 Mike Hauser
Aniq Ahmad
You are Minnie, I'll be your mickey
We'll give each other hickies

I'll be and act like a Pooh bear
Who loves honey, that's you dear

When you ll feel low like Bolt has lost his speed
I'll cheer you up even if it makes me bleed

Dumbo in the end loved his ears
I'll love you even with flaws and keep you here

I'll be like Aladdin and make you like My chief
I'll take you away like jasmine even if I be a theif

Like Nemo I'll not stop swimming for you
When I lost my breath then I'll stop loving you
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