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 Aug 2019 mickey finn
It's time to go
I see the light
It's bright as snow
It's so white.

With memories flashing back to me
As vivid as a lucid dream
The colors drunk and bold.
I see
It's time for me to go

There was a time I was vivid.
When I repainted the colors of the rainbow.
But sadly,
Now is my time to go
But just so you know,
I will miss you so.
 Aug 2019 mickey finn
Britni Ann
Let me tell you a story of a girl.
One who was broken and bruised.
A girl who lost hope and didn't know if it even existed.
She came to this world by an accident,
Loved by her mother but forgotten by her father.
She grew up lonely waiting for a prince to come save her.
She dreamed of a father who would have tea parties with her.
She dreamed of one that wouldn't just help her with her math homework,
But would take her to a daddy-daughter dance and let her dance on his shoes.
She was lonely enough to make up stories her mind, get lost in books, and play with her imaginary friends.
She was the type of girl who felt so deeply, to the point of getting hurt.
You can imagine a little girl watching Madeline in a guest bed before going to sleep.
But what you can't imagine is what will happen next.
A man coming into her room and taking her innocence away from her.
She remained lonely and confused about men.
Whether they could be trusted or not.
She decided they couldn’t.
Even now she cannot say the words out loud.
The word that starts with “M” with "R"...
Makes her shake, brings her back to that dark room.
To that moment he touched her.
To that second that changed her life.
She’s getting better.
But that memory haunts her.
The feeling of him makes her tear up.
But one thing he did not take away from her is her spark.
She still can make a room light up by walking into it.
And when she’s ready,
She’ll make her voice loud.
Loud enough for the very back row.
Her story is not over yet.
 Aug 2019 mickey finn
 Aug 2019 mickey finn
Show me
all the parts of you
that's not so pretty
your story, your truth

Allow me to share in
all your beautiful scars
even those,
... hidden
 Aug 2019 mickey finn
I'm sitting on the porch,
Wind blowing through my hair.
The ducks are frolicking in the pond,
But I just can't seem to care.

Life goes on around me.
I don't participate.
I go through all the motions,
But what I really do is wait.

I dream about the day
That you'll come home to me.
Nothing else is important.
Why can't people see?

I don't want to go out.
I don't want to have fun.
I don't want to do a thing
Until all is said and done.

They took you in the summer.
Now fall is almost finished.
Winter will be here very soon,
And then the year will have diminished.

You have no idea how much I cry.
I never let you know.
It's so hard out here without you,
But I'm not allowed to let it show.

I must pretend all is fine.
Everyone thinks all's okay,
But what I never ever tell them
Is that I cry for you every day.
It has beeen almost a year since my daddy has passed away September 24 daddy i miss u.
 Aug 2019 mickey finn
Morning SUN
When I talk about death
I'm not saying that I'll rush

When I talk about hardship
I don't mean that I can't overcome

When I talk about love
I don't think it'll solve my problems

So don't get your conclusions over me.
It never gets any easier, you just cry a little less everyday. Always in our hearts will they remain, memories we made, cherishing them always each and every day. Love is painful especially when they are gone, but forever on our minds and in our hearts, a special place that will stay until we meet and then never to be apart.
 Aug 2019 mickey finn
i'm not looking for god,
but i'm down on my knees.
 Aug 2019 mickey finn
she is a muse
and I will spend
what is left of forever
floating in her inspiration
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