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 Jul 2019 mickey finn
 Jul 2019 mickey finn
I think you told a lie today
about the shadow on your mind.
I think you plan to die today,
and leave these follies far behind.

I wish you would write me a song,
and ink the truth within its verse.
Happy or sad, it's fine, so long
as this does not end in a hearse.
 Jul 2019 mickey finn
 Jul 2019 mickey finn
i love you beyond reality
to every universe we might exist in
i love your sweet melody
to my heart i’d recognize
wherever you sing
i’d follow
and whenever you cry
we’re shallow
The eyes wander in search of knowledge
As the butterfly flutters between flowers in search of sweetest nectar
Skipping the pitcher flowers
And the spider’s ornate dew soaked webs

The tongue and the heart
Enriched by the nectar
Know no thirst, wordless
Meditate, all sated

The mind of all
Knew the taste
The nectar of life
Experiences every day
That come your way
 Jul 2019 mickey finn
Soft You
 Jul 2019 mickey finn
I love to trace
the line of freckles
on your face

Your eyes
are so full
of life,
your smile
so true.

Your kiss
fills me
with warmth,
your hands
so gentle
my waist.

You are
a great perfection,
and I love you more
than I’ve ever known.
 Jul 2019 mickey finn
Everything starts
As a blank canvas
Just waiting
To be given meaning
I give meaning to myself
 Jul 2019 mickey finn
Have you ever wondered the why’s to your Life?  Why me?  Why not me?  Why us? Why them?  You know, the constant why’s that linger on in our minds.  I constantly contemplate the why’s and I wish I didn’t.  I wish I could erase all the questions that perturb my existence.  If only we can simply be and not have to question anything.  You know.. just be okay with Life as it is no questions asked.  We complicate things with all these why’s.  Maybe one day I’ll shut my eyes, and when I don’t awake someone else will wonder why?!
 Jul 2019 mickey finn
I do not shield myself
Between the mortar
Of feeble walls.
Instead, I’ve built mountains
With summits surpassing
Thunderous clouds, erupting,
Brimming valleys and moats
Lava-laden, I control
Fiery dragons
The size of islands
Welding forest trees,
Armor adamantine. I have
Trained wind to whip
And freeze at the flick
Of a tongue.
And with each false step taken,
A crater awakens
Parting the earth
In sacred places. Revealing  
Razor-edged abyss —
A merciless ether,
Crusader’s monolith.
In the end, it is I
Who must venture
And slay, navigating the terrain
Of my tortured dismay
Reclaiming my power
And rightful throne.
Behold, vast kingdom:
The monarch is home.
She gives me her sweet smile
over dramatic and eyes scrunched up
I play her my most softest music
It comes from a speaker sitting on her dashboard
Her radio hasn’t worked in years
Even though she doesn’t know the words she hums along perfectly
I glance towards her hands on the steering wheel
I admire how soft and full of talent they are
she is missing her left knuckle
Her hands look like mine but hers don’t shake like mine do
You must have steady hands to paint
I do not paint,
I write and play video games and catch frogs
She paints and reads and loves wine
I love when she is wine drunk
She will hold my hands and sit closer to me
tells me she loves me
calls me her "sweet friend"
It is not platonic but it entirely is
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