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 Jul 2015 Mia Barrat
 Jul 2015 Mia Barrat
I am but willing prey to the wiles of the full grown moon.
She guards the night sky...
While I patrol these grounds...
Grieving over the seconds that have gone too soon.

I am a vessel... all emptied and barren.
what once was full,
now echoes faint
the glories of yesteryears.
Afloat still, adrift upon the currents... aimless and sullen.

I am a ghost... haunting no one but my own.
to a body of mist and haze...
Occupying this space where worthy wind had once blown...

I am a beggar offering nothing but my open palms.
Hope etched tight
into my knackered knuckles
and calloused digits.
Please... take them in yours...
soothe them...
grant me your touch, your coveted balm.
 Jul 2015 Mia Barrat
N Paul
There they stood; keeping silent company.
Yet of His face, wept searing electricity.

To the lovers of life*
Here they stand, keeping silent company.
No utterance dealt; yet clear in both their minds
A single, brilliant truth:

He longs for her with a savage delight.
And it cries from every fibre, exalting!
It is in the bearing of his eye;
Rifling through her tender flesh
In search of what he knows, from voices ages old, is there:
That her heart will beat for no other as it beats for him right now;
That in this moment, their Souls are bared
To each other’s glares- naked, and blemished, and cowering-
Yet his eyes remain fixed and sure:

And for this, she loves him.

For they have seen each other for the First of Times,
Truly! And as with many the Ancient Laws unfurled,
They stand aware, in lack of ever being taught,
Aware with every atom, every straining tendon tight
That their time's so very short.

And so they drink… wordless
To each other, to their youth, and to their bodies
Shining like never before in the noonday air
Garbed in cloth that snaps and furls around their waists.

They imbibe with electric eyes,
Eyes that are new born to this world of light
And come out screaming, living, and sensitive
For lack of ever being touched.
They revel in their new-found joy;
Pouring from Her figure,
Of Her sleek, supple waist and the arch of her back,
Bristling with delight,
Of His strong hands and easy smile,
That spoke of laughter scattered
Across countless campfires of summers past.

Their light does burn intense as any fire,
And when their brimming anticipation
Overspills its crimson chalice
The silence shall SHATTER.
To find peace again in each other's arms.
Fumbling in sweet darkness-

Of heavy lids, of earthy flesh,
With lips embraced...

In ravenous finality.
You're waiting for me
somewhere on a pier
silent in the mist
fog surrounding you
your hands trembling -
how I miss that tremble -
your fingers moving nervously
like knitting needles
flashing in the wind
so palpable so wondrous
and you're waiting for me

I think of you always
and will miss you forever
whatever swept you away
that brusque winter morning
has departed long ago
we never said good-bye
or held hands
or kissed
there were no final gestures

Weeks later
in a sleepless moment
I thought I saw you
standing near me
looking serious and bewildered
but I know my mind
   was playing tricks on me
now I can only hope
you hear these words
hear the ache in my voice
the longing that is ceaseless
the words rolling ever so slowly
toward you
waiting there
on that nameless mystical pier
 Jun 2015 Mia Barrat
nicole smith
It isn't you that's making me cry.
It's the song I'm listening to.
It isn't you that's making think.
Because (I) never did love you.

It isn't you that broke my heart.
It's the (want) for you to be here.
It isn't you that keeps me awake
It's me swallowing down my fears.

It isn't you that makes my heart beat
(It)'s the thrill of being adored.
It isn't you that makes me tremble.
It's the thought of being ignored.

It isn't you that makes me write.
It's (to) the feeling you now control.
It isn't you that makes me ache.
It's the happiness that you stole.

It isn't you that makes me stress
It's the work that still has to (be) done.
It isn't you that makes me miserable.
It's the knowing that you aren't the one.

It isn't you, It isn't you.
You weren't the one that was made for me.
It isn't you, won't ever be (you).
No matter how much I wanted it to be.
Another poem you'll never see.
 Jun 2015 Mia Barrat
nicole smith
You were getting too close for me to handle.
You understood the darkest parts of my mind.
Resulting in me breaking yours first.
Before you'd have the chance to break mine.

I shouldn't have let you in.
You knew more about me than I did myself.
It was just an invitation for additional pain.
To end up crying, screaming for help.

Don't ask me questions about why
I have the tendency to think the way I do.
But if you were in desperate need of an answer,
then my response would most definitely be you.

You caused this constant fear of pain.
Don't tell me things will be alright.
There isn't a thing that will make forget
About a darkness I don't have the strength to fight.

I wasn't surprised when you stuck around for the good days,
Leaving the second you had seen me at my worst.
That's why before you had the chance to break my heart.
I knew I'd have to break yours first.
 Jun 2015 Mia Barrat
Paul NP
 Jun 2015 Mia Barrat
Paul NP
Mist clouds forming on my skin
I dye my mind in thin formations
soft sentient siblings aviate my fingers
frost lit prisms projecting visions that I relate to
chromatic distillation fancying the minds eye
dark transient beings no longer apply
dispersing and spilling into stretches of time
Aether, Aether, help me climb.
Written while listening to Thom Brennan - Mist
 Jun 2015 Mia Barrat
Julie Butler
such a creature of my bad habits
but I repeat such good in you after this

your heartbeat like the quick of a revolver
while you slept
like I was inside, spinning until
I began counting us down
wondering how many bullets you'd saved

I drank from
the shot glass of your palm
& you made me
you made coffee

we went from
south to ocean
mountain to whiskey
with hands full of
what it is we're calling this
& I have your dress
what kind of souvenir is worry ?

your hand in the car
I could put us both in my mouth
and still make room for you
your mood filling my lungs with
ignoring tomorrow &
I ignored that with whiskey

& I am certain you don't know that it killed me
to kiss you goodbye again
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