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Melody Millett Apr 2014
I'm holding on
to something;
That left
A long time ago
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
maybe my biggest mistake
was never learning how
to regret you
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
I'll be okay.
Even it I can't change your mind.
I'll be alright.

I think differently; that's an issue. If I thought the same I wouldn't write I miss you, it'd be I hate you like I'm supposed to. But I can't which ***** and maybe it's too much or too soon to say we had it rough. Because together nothing and no one could touch us. Like the world couldn't get me,without you is like it's against me. Stupid us, silly me, pretty you. I trusted you, and you left Kitten with hell of a job to do. Broken glass; that can't be ever the same. This ******* mess you made.

I did move on
Doesn't mean
I don't hate you
Just because
I still love you
One more part.
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
Hannah Bauer
Is it sad that sometimes,
I want to be terribly injured
to see if people care?
Thinking while talking with
friends on a balcony,
wondering if I get pushed off
accidentally, what would they
Would there be fear in their eyes?
Would they run down the stairs
to see if I was alive?
Would they panic and wonder
what the world is going to be like without me?
Or would they feel... nothing?
Would they not even care?
If I survived the fall and came back
to them in a wheelchair,
would they help me with my things?
Would they stand by my side
and help me navigate the crowds?
Would they feel guilty and
Would they worry?
Or would they watch me
Struggling to get past people
and desperately trying to hold
onto my belongings.
And walk away.
Would they hide?
Would they scorn?
*Would they care?
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
Cassidy Shoop
It’s been thirteen months and I’ve forgotten your scent. I don’t remember the way it feels for your fingertips to brush against my bare skin. I can’t recall the spark that would reignite every time our lips came in contact. I can’t remember the way your tongue would taste in the early hours of the day. I don’t even remember what your voice sounded like whispering through the phone at 5am. But it’s been thirteen months, and I won’t dare forget the way it felt to watch you walk out of my life just as quickly and unexpectedly as you walked into it.
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
I find comfort in my sleep
when my thoughts think of you
So enraptured in your existence
My love feels boundless
in every thought that speaks of you
When in reality, you're away
being held comfortably in the arms of your lover
I fear that I must be insane,
here alone thinking of you

Those precious moments I've shared with you
Eternally trapped in the depths of my heart,
where they'll forever be hidden from you
I fear that I'm addicted,
obsessed with loving you
Love deep enough to make me sink
O dearest friend,
              my beloved,
                        *my most treasured thought to think...
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