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Oh, the somber wind blows
the ice and the snow.
It’s a different kind of cold
that chills to the bones.
Bringing self doubt to what we think we know,
when all we want to do is just go home.
But when the world says no
you’re left with nowhere to go.
Lost and alone,
the somber wind blows.
I just wanted to try to write something with the same rhyme all the way through and this is what I came up with. I'm not terribly pleased with it but I thought I'd share anyway.
 May 2014 Megan Kirkham
is this what
feels like
i whispered
to the dark

but your lips
did not answer
and neither did
my heart
When your sky
      Becomes ocean
And your chokin'
On words
Thick are emotions
And a silence is heard

     Dont drown
In the lack of sound
     Tread light
Untill words are found
   They are floating
     All around

Inhail your thoughts
      Re-right your current

   Exhail your soul
           Theres a story
                 To be told

i finally understand
   what all the sad songs are about
i finally get it
    that feeling that your beating heart
has been torn from your chest
the sick feeling
that constricts your efforts to breathe
the tears that will not stop
puffy red eyes and lips
the feeling of complete terror
that you have somehow
lost something beautiful and rare
that you have let him down
finding the desire of your heart
a direct connection - electric - maddening
and you know
this is exactly what i've always wanted
crazy c r a z y hope
gone in the blink of an eye
but i had to try for him
i had to
he was something worth fighting for
and i won't take down the drawing
and i don't want to forget
and i can cry to sad songs if i want to.
People often mistake
my eyes for mirrors

My hands are beginning
to turn pale in this infinite
of seconds

How one must seem
to be so transparent
under the clarity
of simple afternoons

when the chaos
of flowers against
the frequency of storms
would suffice in making
me miss you
more than the breath
between my lungs
 May 2014 Megan Kirkham
visibly stamped  
on my body
“Use By”
but I know
somewhere in the ether
a time is prescribed
I’m not a carton
of sour cream
that’s true
I am in danger
of disappearing
as are you.
Mortality   musings  in 2006  .
you are my favorite regret --
you are the only one
who can make me cringe
at the memories of us
on a drunken night
with only the lamp faintly glowing.

you remind me of a battlefield.
you have a sword for a tongue
and i have only bare skin as my shield.
with every cruel word you mutter,
i begin to bleed,
and surrender to them.

— The End —