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Why is it that at night I could still feel every part of you
Your breath brushing against my ears
Only to whisper the words of "good night"
Your firm arms tightly holding my petite torso
While your every finger intertwined with mine
Or how your right leg wrapped around my left
And then there's your rosy pink lips
I could still feel it passionately pressed against mine
I miss it
I miss you
Every part of you.
Time scars all with the wounds they were said to heal
Sure the marks not visible, but the pain is ever so real
Staring at the hands that mend my fate
Circadian rythum thrown off is it too early or too late?
Half or a quater of my past an electrical impulse away
Memories faded by time but the pain is here to stay
The smell of your clothes, a nostalgic aroma
Time heals all wounds as these scars get older
not even two years
and she has mended her heart
stitched back the pieces
and glued it in place

God it's not fair
it's not fair how she
kicked out the memory of Dad
and graciously opened up the door
for Another Guy
cozying up to him and
whispering sweet nothings
the shoe does not fit

while Another Guy woos her
with a candlelight dinner
new beginnings for the main course
and empty promises as dessert
my Dad's picture sits on a stool
covered in dust and dirt
waiting to be cleaned
waiting to be polished
waiting to be looked at
waiting to be held again

i am angry
there is an invisible bomb
attached to my chest
nonstop ticking
24/7 ticking
make it stop i say
to no one in particular

the porch light is on
i see the silhouettes of
the woman i once knew
and Another Guy
they're wrapped in each others arms
and i explode
pieces of my heart on the freezing floor
i'm forced to pick up a thousand tiny
broken hearts
by myself
always missing one

a piece of me is missing
is it stuck under a cushion?
did i forget it in the park?
maybe i left it in school?
no that Piece is watching
from up there

Dad's starting to slip away
so i rush to the abandoned picture
tripping over my own tears
and stumbling over my own heartache
i clean up the picture
so my Dad doesn't slip away
too far
for mja
you push with all your might for the
right words but they won't
so i opened the door and pulled them out
for you
 Jun 2014 megan catcher
mike dm
 Jun 2014 megan catcher
mike dm
It's mine.
The way it careens light --
Taking, then
Jettisoning it --
Slickfastwhirrs stammer about its orbit.

And I
Try to capture it; it being, of course,
The thing illuminating
The space between eyes flitting,
Flipping through entire books of you
with one look --

And with a flick of the wrist
I produce
A pixel of muscle
over might

If I may.

It's silly, really
I know.
But it's mine, all mine.
it is just after dusk,
and the day has gathered
it's coloured petticoats and

the sleek, white and black
patched cat,
from three doors
down, to the left
has taken up position,
the next door neighbor's shed.

she sits,
preening under the
moth dappled spotlight,
as she sings an aria
of love and seduction
* Un'aura amorosa—"
A loving breath"*

all the males
come to listen in,
induced adoration.

even the
little blucat
with only
vaguest memories
of infatuation, tries to heed
her siren call...
himself against
the glass sliding door
for two miracles
the first being
and the second
the reincarnation
of long lost testicles.

god does not heed his
plaintive cries...

and besides the party
next door
is now over....
closed down
by a shower
of rain
sent by garden hose

all cats,  
now wend their
way home to
dinner's cold
and  hearth's warm
or to fight
as alley cats do
in dark corners
of this urban sprawl

awaiting the
midnite reprise
of the
operatic caterwaul
at number
two seventy four.
this will
third time
this week

— The End —