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Dec 2017 · 430
The Song
MJ Dec 2017
To the rythm she danced.
Memories came through
Of the song she loved,
In every color and hue.

And she finally stopped
Playing their song.
When she realized,
She was dancing alone.
Learn when to move forward and let go. **
Dec 2017 · 4.2k
MJ Dec 2017
Quite a friend,
Quite a lover.
A secret hidden,
To bound forever.

Was it wrong?
Was it right?
For me to belong,
For me to hold tight.

Such happiness,
To you I only feel.
Every caress,
Feels surreal.

Don't wake me up
From this dream.
But holy crap,
We're at the brim!

So hold firm
And don't let go.
Do you feel the same?
Let me know.
For the secret lovers out there **
Dec 2016 · 1.5k
Different Destiny
MJ Dec 2016
Torn apart by destiny,
A love that can never be.
Fought so hard for the
said love.
But then again, failed.
For it was never meant.

All bruised and wounded.
Still wouldn't give up.
Whatever may happen,
They will change together.
The different destiny,
They were given, forever.
It is always worth the fight if you're with the right person.
Dec 2016 · 397
The Sea
MJ Dec 2016
Once, when I looked at you.
I thought, we could push through.
You & I together,
We'll make a difference forever.

But then, my smile fainted.
Remembered what you wanted.
You wanted different.
You wanted moon.
You wanted stars.
Things that I cannot be.

For I belong in the sea.
A thing you cannot be.
A thing *you wished you
wouldn't be.
Just be you. Do not change for anyone. Unless if it's a good change.
Jun 2016 · 364
MJ Jun 2016
Nothing hurts more
Pretending to be a friend
To the one whom I adore.

Joking and laughing with her.
Without her even noticing
Each day I love her even greater.

I know telling her is a bit risky.
Something might change,
And for that I'm not ready.

I might get a rejection from you.
And I'd also lose someone
Maybe a one or two.

So I would let God decide
If you're for me and I'm for you.
If our world is meant to collide.

And dear if you're reading this,
I just want to let you know
I love you times infinities.
This is dedicated to my bestfriend, he's a guy, and he liked this girl which is his friend and was our classmate and thought of making a poem out of it. Hope it's fine! :P

P.S. Mitch was the girl's name. lol
Jun 2016 · 644
MJ Jun 2016
Reading books, drinking tea,
Trapped in it's own hypothesis
Yes, that's me.

Manacled hearts, wrangled thoughts.
Trapped in the past.
When I shouldn't be.
Jun 2016 · 288
MJ Jun 2016
Again, my world shattered.
Again, the history repeated.
Again, my knees trembled.
Again, thy eyes cried.
Again, Again, Again.
I'm tired.
Jun 2016 · 565
MJ Jun 2016
The thought of you and me
Makes me wanna sigh

Because I fell in love with what can never be
That once brought my hopes up high

The stars I see across the sky,
I always remember you in my heart and in my mind.

But whatever I do,
You will never be true.

You will always just be a part of my fantasy
That made me feel ecstasy.

— The End —