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 Oct 2014 Matloob Bokhari
Last night
I saw purple
Behind my eyes
In my mind
When your thoughts are free
Independent of the outside world
When it does not clash with words
Of the so commonly spoken
For you have found you own to ponder
And language transcends invisible boundaries
Where your vision goes beyond
To the world where there is responsibility
And courage is in dealing with freedom
Where the heart beats freely
Deep within, the soul revels in peace
Believing, there’s nothing holding you back
Let freedom take wings
And take this message everywhere
walk the path unused unseen
see the endless view and dream
see a world at peace
with me
view an entirely new you
and me.
 Sep 2014 Matloob Bokhari
spending all my time in your company
you have taken my load upon yourself
you deal with all the detail
all the daily stuff that would take me away
from you
you love me to the limit of my capabilities
and then love me some more
this seamless loving is a constant wonder
and I do believe it because in you I can trust
and trust this closeness to Heaven
anyone could get this side of the grave
So The Time Had Come ...  
For Them To Be Judged For What They'd Done ...
Dobson And Norris ****** Most Horrid ... !!!!!  
A Knife To The Heart of Young Stephen Lawrence ... !!!!!  
Because of His ... " CASTE " ... !!!  
The Night Was DARK ... Just Like His Skin ... !!!  
And This Is Where This Story Begins ...  
At First It Was Five ...  
Who They Thought Used The Knife ...
That Took Stephens' Life ... !!!!!  
Back In 97 It Was Deemed That The Bedlam ....  
Was Racism Levelled By These Five White Devils ...  
Acourt And Two Knights Completed The Five ...  
But Back Then It Was Said ..." Not enough evidence" ...
Had Been Brought To Trial To Enforce Convictions ...  
But Then It Was Said ...  
The Police Were INEPT In How This Was Handled ...  
But This Was Dismantled By Those In ... " Their Set " ... !!!  
The Judgement Bred SCANDAL ...  
"Exonerate them, yes our policemen !" ...
The Lawrence's Said This Isn't The End ... !!!
98' Comes Around And An Inquiry Now ...  
Macpherson Assessed ...
That Racism Ran Like Blood From Steves' Chest ... !!!!!  
Was Something ****** DEEP DOWN In The Feds' ... !!!!!    
OH OH ... So Po' Po' ...  
May Have HELPED These Five Blokes ...  
Prove Themselves ... " INNOCENT " ... !!!?!!!  
Why Hadn't These Five Been Locked Up Inside ...  
Before They Contrived ... To Take Stephens' Life ...  
Video Footage ...  
PROVED That They Could Do It ... !!!!!!  
But All That Was Fluid Were All The EXCUSES ... !?!  
Both Parents Kept Fighting To Keep On Igniting ...  
The Fire ... PUT OUT By Judiciary Mouths ...  
18 years later ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
It's Back In The Papers ...  
Dobson And Norris ...  " ****** Most Horrid ! " ...    
AGAIN Will Stand Trial Like Two Old Paedophiles ... !!!!  
This Time Evidence Had MORE Precedence ... !!!  
Blood Stains On Clothing Police Had Been Holding ...  
Matched Stephens' Type Was Heard In The Trial ...  
Now Norris' Mother Decided To Cover ...  
Her Son's Whereabouts To Prove Without Doubt ....  
He Wasn't Around When Stephen Was Downed ... !!!!!!  
She Swore UNDER OATH That David Was Home ...  
Having Said Once Before ...
That David For Sure Was With His Ex ***** ... !?!  
A Story Well Twisted ...  
Because This Ex Girlfriend NEVER Existed ... !!!!!  
Statements Delivered ...  
That Were Now Considered ... Inside The Old Bailey ...  
Was This Woman CRAZY ...
Perjuring Daily To Save Her VILE Baby ... !?!  
As if Stephen's Death Was NOT Innocent ... ?!?  
Now Six Weeks Have Passed Aspersions Been Cast ...  
About Much Surrounding These Two Young Mens' Past ... !!!  
It's Time For The Judgement ...  
Will They Walk Free or Face Punishment ... ???
LIFE Is Decreed They WILL NOT Walk Free ... !!!!!!  
Convicted of ****** Back In ....... "93'" ........  
Now Media Fervor ... " Justice Finally " ... !!!
JUSTICE I Say ... For Whom EXACTLY ... !?!  
I've Written These Words Because It STILL HURTS ... !!!  
The Fact That Your Colour Can Cause Tragedies ....  
This Poem's For Neville And His Family ...  
Your Fight Is Not Over Cos' Three Are Still Free ... !!!  
For .... " ****** MOST VILE " ... !!!
Dobson And Norris Won't Be Seen For A While ...  
Because of Your Strength After Stephens' Death ...  
NO More Denial Cos' They FIT The Profile ...  
These Words I Now file Are Just My Account ...    
of The Day These Two ... KILLERS ...  
FINALLY Were Convicted ...
After They Went To ...  
.......... " Trial " ...........
How can you be truly tough
In this painful world?
How can you stand firm
When the spears of agony are hurled?

Most people in the proud US of A
Don't have a clue of the
price they have to pay.

Western people do not know
What hardship really is.
So gratitude is lacking...
It is this...

Gratitude is having a ***
That doesn't leak,
To walk miles for diseased
Water from a creek.

Gratitude in thanking God
For the dry wood
To cook the rice or millet
For your food.

Gratitude is finding
A pair of shoes
In a garbage heap
That you can use.

Gratitude is finding
Pesos in your hand
When you beg the streets
In a poor land.

Gratitude is escaping
Vicious thugs
Who deal in human
Trafficking and drugs.

Gratitude is Hellen Keller
With no hope
Finding Annie Sullivan
To cope.

Gratitude is having NOTHING
And in pain
On one's deathbed, but yet
The fact remains

They are redeemed
And they have Lord Jesus' grace
So they know that they
Will look in his sweet face.

Being tough is seeing life
As is and still not breaking
Being brave and looking
Not forsaking

Being tough is a
Mental attitude.
Loving God and thanking Him


Catherine Jarvis
(C) September 28, 2014
I think the above says it all.
I want to thank quinnfinn for
The inspiration.
Do not just merely follow your dreams
Chase after them
Visualize them coming true
Overcoming all obstacle's
Keeping your eyes on the prize
The joy of your dream coming true
You will then inspire others to make their dreams come true
This poem is inspired by one of my lessons in a class I am currently taking.
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