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 Aug 23 Marshal Gebbie
your presence lingers
not in grand gestures
but in the spaces in between

your smile filling my kitchen
with a warmth that remained
long after the coffee grew cold
and my cup was empty

the place still set for you,
as if you would walk in, sit down,
and make everything
feel a little more whole

the way we spoke on the subway
our words mingling like passengers
clinging to the rails
never quite ready to part ways

the way things look too clean…too still
not just your toothbrush
but the mess you made of my heart

how lovely it was
to have your things scattered among mine
a forgotten sock
your glasses on the nightstand
a sign this space was ours

the scent of your shampoo hovers
an echo of you in the quiet
I breathe you in, eyes closed
wishing you were here
to wrap the night around us
turning off the world together
leaving only us
together in the stillness
I walked the woods today,
strolled under the quite shade of
towering old growth evergreens,
their scent upon me conveyed
simple peaceful solitude, there
were birds and squirrels unconcerned
with me, busy with their own pursuits.
For a moment I felt as if I was the only
human in the world and that thought
did not disturb me in the least.
He told me there is a difference
Between perception and perspective
One can help you understand
One can make you be difficult to understand
There is a reasonable difference
How to conquer mind?
I'm not an 'ingénue' anymore - that’s been vitiated.
I'm not innocent, pure, naive or vulnerable -
which are technically, 'ingénue' requirements
(I don’t make the rules).

That being said, if no one has an objection,
in terms of narrative trajectory, I'd like to be
considered a 'fémme fatale' until further notice.
Songs for this:
HEATED by Beyoncé
Hysterical Us by Magdalena Bay

11am 08.12
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 08.12.04: vitiate: to ruin it or render ineffective
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