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The place where the seed was sown
The place where a dream began
"The Place"

A story started, a long one
with numerous characters but scripts none
Some bonds were made, some relations too
but inseparables were only few

'The Place" where this race began
----the mesmerizing war----
Gifted with the endless well of knowledge
To give my best, I pledge

Meeting the most wonderful beings
Some giving a monkey pose
And some with a pig nose .

Exploring new limits, finding new ways.
To get this once again,
I'm ready to pay.

The time of my life spent here,
Can never be expressed in words-mere.
I regret the inability to stop the time,
And bring back this sweet lime.
#school life
                                                             ­       -Paridhi Sharma
Even though disappointed thousand times
or struck in a fight,
She is now finally rising from
her life's darkest night.

So, today I stand here,
Afraid to reveal my heights
recite my ideas,
and fight for my rights.

You detained me of my will,
Agonized my mind
descended my skill.
And confining me to fork and knife,
Yes, it is true that this
Is the story of my life.

She who was pressed from all sides
remained victorious in her spirits
overcoming her fetters
giving wings to her mind.

She, the nucleus of our society
deprived of her living,
with a tormented mind
and  fractured  within her own kind.

If she tends to be so weak,
Then the future of our country is bleak.
Amidst thy race to
get ahead in life,
ever wondered
where the checkpoint
of life lies?
I want to write a love poem
The best the world has ever seen
About two shattered people
Fitting together at their broken seems

I want to write a love poem
That no one can forget
About two lonely people
That where a perfect fit

I want to write a love poem
That transcends past the stars
About two cosmic bodies
That's not imprisoned behind broken bars

I want to write a love poem
So great no one has ever known
Of two tattered spirits
That clung to each other and the love they shown

I want to write a love poem
That can survive any storm
About two people with icicle hearts
That true love burned bright and warmed

I want to write a love poem
But alas that I can not do
For I have never tasted love
So I have not a single clue
 Jun 2016 Mark Villa
Louise Ruen
You said that I am pretty, but boy what’s new
I’ve heard it a hundred times; it’s become oldschool
You gotta bring more game than a smile and a hey
Especially if you want me to come your way
But as man you shouldn’t move a bit and we should all just fall into your lap. Right?
Please, don’t be like any other man

I grew up looking myself in the mirror
My life’s set because they think I look pretty
Cut my hair short? You must be crazy. - stick me a dress and some makeup and let’s fix this mistake, baby
Look at my face. Someone who looks like this can’t be crazy. Right?
I’m a blue-eyed *****, who therefore isn’t allowed to be upset
So my life must be pure happiness. Right?

You said that I was pretty, but boy what’s new
I’ve heard it a hundred times; it’s become oldschool
You gotta bring more game than a smile and a hey

The weight is making me looked crippled
I was told to straighten up, coz it wasn’t pretty
What will I do when I get old? - I guess I’ll have nothing to fall back on
I’m young and naïve, and even though things develop, they don’t really ever change.
Because I’m a privileged girl in a vain, vain world
Therefore my life must be true happiness. Right?

So baby don’t cry if you’re ‘too beautiful’ for demons.
They don’t know that beauty is your demon.
They don’t know your life is far away from bliss.
I cried when I reread this. Everything is really only an illusion.
If you let it be.
 May 2016 Mark Villa
most nights
i'm only loving you
in fragments,
i'm only loving
you in death

i wander your
mind like a child in
search of it's mother,
but you were
not loving homes

only drugs can
compare to
the feeling of
i had when i was
with you.

i love you,
i crave
© copyright
 May 2016 Mark Villa
I stay up for the moons
Quiet gaze
The light by the bedside
Carves shadows of you
Into my bare frame
The air itself is naked
Vulnerable of all scent.
I kissed you thrice,
One on the lips
For devotion,
One on the ribs of
Your teeth,
On the elbow of your
Favourite book.
As all writers do.
I created that arched frame
That pulled your
Tendons tight
To my inked sheets,
Shot you into blind space,
While I teethed on
The bow of your
Our skin tarmac,
There was roadworks
Of our bed.
Toes dancing morbidly
Between bursting stars
While night gulls
And ravens watched
Through the window
Waiting to peck
At the mangled carcass
Of our hearts.
© copyright
 May 2016 Mark Villa
he only thinks you're
pretty when you cry
when the aching
vulnerabilities sting
like red welts along
cheeks that are
white as teeth
only then are you pretty,
when the red blood
tears fall like soldiers in
the war of peace and
he kisses the place the
bullet exits
he promises he will
still love you as the lion
that murders the lamb
when the sky bleeds,
crimson echoes down
mountains of death
his viper hands
snake round your
hips and you just
don't mind, you just
don't mind anymore
© copyright

— The End —