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 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
get you down on
paper. iknewyour
favorite band and
favoritemovie and
what you sounded
like when you slept
but ididnotknow how
to put the thumping of
yourheart againstthe rain
or the gravel of your voice
echoing in that soft spot right
below my ear into words. there
were gold ribbons streaming
from your hands always
always (weren't  there)
at least i think there were.
i only painted your outline once
in orange on a piece of cardboard
but it didn't fill my apartment the
way your laugh did so i covered
it with yellow rosebuds and
threw it in the dumpster
on my way to work.
 Oct 2014 marina
La Liberté Guidant le Peuple, or,
Liberty Guiding the People is a
painting by Eugène Delacroix
used as cover art for Coldplay's
Viva La Vida and Liberty seems
to guarantee life above her head
with ample ******* that seem to
tell me everything is going to be

You used to tell me that the first
half of *Death and All his Friends

reminded you of me, so, when I
hear it, I am you, listening to me
with Chris Martin telling me to
come over, just be patient, don't worry
and I am seventeen again, beneath your
dim desk light, in those acid wash shorts
knowing you for the first time, knowing
all winter we got carried, oh, let's get
married, all through summer we
hurried, so come over, just be
patient...don't worry.

So come over, just be patient, don't worry.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

i am grateful.

The link to the song for the curious:
 Oct 2014 marina
Erin Atkinson
if my hands reflect
the hurt they cause, maybe i
wouldn't hurt again.
the title is as long as the poem.
 Oct 2014 marina
Erin Atkinson
 Oct 2014 marina
Erin Atkinson
The absurdity
is in the conclusion,
                                   but it's also
                                          the cliff
                  from which I jumped
From Chaos,
                      To Chaos.
                                             All that is left
                              is a futile attempt to understand
                                       the silly habit of living:
    *A constant battle between
Order          and          Disorder
 Oct 2014 marina
loisa fenichell
with a boy whose palms seemed constantly marked
with calendars. lying next to him
in his twin bed covered in blue sheets
I made the mistake of asking him to sing
me psalms -- neither of us

were religious. I told him
that his room smelled like an old church
and that I’d only been to a church once
with a childhood friend
and that everybody there drank the blood of Christ
except for me because my family
has a history of alcoholism

the first time I saw his stomach I saw his
whole body and his knees looked tombstones

the first time he saw my stomach he saw my whole body and I whispered
over and over again silently underneath my breath
silently like an anxious fire ‘do not look at me’ the first time
he looked at me he told me I fainted: that night I
had dreams
of cutup magazines,
of hands that only bleed in playgrounds. somewhere that night
lying atop his stomach we heard a girl next door
screaming the way owls do. I’d seen her the morning before
and she’d been beautiful like an old wedding dress.
 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
please take your time
 Oct 2014 marina
 Oct 2014 marina
my throat is a
net filled with
butterfly wings
and wooden  
[this is how you made me feel]
 Oct 2014 marina
 Oct 2014 marina
swing out your lanterns
I'm no longer afraid
out on the river I've
learned how to
navigate and
this paddle
is a weapon
bring me to
the rapids.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014.
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