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 Oct 2014 marina
On My Shelf.
 Oct 2014 marina
Moby ***** was a humongous
mess of religious garble that threw
everyone for a loop in the shadow of
Typee and Melville was publicly shamed
for writing such a flop so outside his genre,

But bound by blue canvas, inscribed in
gold, would you find failure to be subjective?
oh, don't be scared to reach beyond your known
talents, beyond what is said of you,

beyond your genre.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

Moby **** is now considered a Great American Novel.
 Oct 2014 marina
they say you should
fear flowers for they
grow in adversity,
adapt, and face
the sun, and
when we
were little
we ****** on
the stems of gardenias
like honeybees with our
nimble, sticky fingers. And
today I learned to ride a bike
with no hands and a sweat
plastered shirt clinging to
my spine, so, instead,

shouldn't you be afraid of me?
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Oct 2014 marina
Upward Bow.
 Oct 2014 marina
in Urdhva Dhanurasana
you can see your heels if
turn your head, also called
the upward bow, or, the
wheel pose.

Yesterday, the wind
blew me uphill when
I was trying to go down,
I've been trying to get
closer to myself, to
my heels, and too
often do I ask
the wrong

In a devotional by Oswald
Chambers he goes on to say
that god is unimpressed by
earnestness, so then what?

I reach for my heels.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014.

consisting of several poems I've
been trying to write for the past
couple days. I decided break
them own and combine
 Oct 2014 marina
 Oct 2014 marina
be slow
be heavy
be gentle.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014.
 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
funny that we
become stories in
other people's chests,
that we can spend days
weeks months years
centuries carving every
letter of every word that's
been spoken to us on the
inside of our ribs while
others are content to just
let the syllables fall in their
normal rhythms across their
lungs and no they wouldn't
mind if some of the words
caught on a bronchial tube
or two but it wouldn't be
the end of the world if
they didn't.
 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
you see,
               there is a pillow
               in my living room
               that i no longer use
               because that time last
               up (the first time) you
               squeezed it so hard
               that it took  me  a
               week  to  get  it
               back in shape.
 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Oct 2014 marina
Megan Grace
when i was
little my
i was
like a ****
(and maybe
i still am) but
what if i want
to grow like
 Sep 2014 marina
 Sep 2014 marina
the second thing
i can think of that is so useless
in this world
is educating kids
about how the world is spherical
but not why
the first thing is me
 Sep 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Sep 2014 marina
Megan Grace
When Robin Williams
died I thought of you.
I wanted to call you
but I don't have your
number anymore. It's
816-248-something. It
has to be that because
you have T-Mobile and
here they're all 816-248
but I can't remember
the last four digits. You
don't like to talk on the
phone so I never learned
your number. I'm not
sure what I would say
to you if I were to get in
touch with you or run
into you at the grocery
store. Maybe I would
tell you I hate you I miss
you I can't understand
what made you think that
what you did was going
to turn out okay for me
or her or even you. God
just please tell me you're
sorry you were such an
awful human being.
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