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 Jul 2014 Margaret
The flowers cringe inside their petals
At each clap of thunder
The trees tremble while lightning flashes
The sky turns an angry black
Raindrops roar upon the roof
Grass and weeds shake their weary heads
Blowing rain drenches the dry, hard summer earth
"The time has come" the roses whisper
And cover their faces with their satin petals
The heavens above mock their shyness
The lightning takes pleasure with their fears
And continues to flash followed by rumbling thunder

Experiencing A Severe Thunderstorm
Right Now As I Am Typing!!! ~~~~<3
This Poem Is Inspired By It!!! ~~~~<3
Hope You Enjoy It!!!
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Today is a beautiful day
And I can't stop smiling

I Just Feel Really Happy This Morning
So I Came Up With This!!! :) ~~~~~~<3
I Hope You Enjoy This Random 10w!!! ~~~~~<3
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Lyra O
Looks like burnout
Tastes like failure
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
My favourite among the three poems I wrote mere minutes ago. It deserves to be my first entry on this site (imagine the quality of the rest of my poems, then!) More to come, I guess.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Ryan Cripps
You wrote me like a book.
You made me who I am.
Before I met you I was a boy.
After you, I was a man.

A broken man though,
Unrecognizably shattered.
Heart ripped from my chest,
Then stomped on, and left battered.

It's my own fault though.
I was a man, but immature.
I was blinded by personal problems.
When I should have been blinded by your allure.

But your heart is more broken.
I can tell from when we talk.
I can tell every time we texted.
And I could tell on our last walk.

Trust and kindness is what you sought.
And trust and kindness is what I brought.
But as we developed. You saw different.
Our love was free but became imprisoned.

It's still locked up.
Serving 25 to life.
But if it ever gets out.
I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with you.
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Follow me on Twitter: @RadicalMartian
I spoke to a man today
with kind eyes and contagious laughter
his passport identified him as Israeli, mine american
but for a moment, we were both just human

He told me he was a combat medic for the IDF
as we began our descent into a discussion of politics
he spoke of giving medical care to victims
of a suicide bombing, just weeks earlier

Life is fragile in places like his hometown of Tel Aviv
He showed me an app on his iPhone that
notifies him of places that were just bombed
or when to take shelter, in case of an incoming missile strike

How people must savor life in war zones like his
friends and family become temporary oases
bringing happiness and fulfillment for a moment
then gone the next

For once
there were no borders between us, or
cultural divides, just two men
discussing life, or something like it
 Jul 2014 Margaret
[i'm sorry. i'm not very good at love letters. i've confessed my love to more angels than real people, but please hear me out on this.]
to the girl i ran into yesterday, with love from the girl who ran into you yesterday
i'm pretty sure i'm in love with you.
you left a handprint on my heart (a literal one;
your fingers curved over my collarbone like you were afraid you would break me)
i have cigarette butts for nerve endings
and i'm pretty sure that you must be a lit match
because i haven't felt this alive in seventeen years
please tell me you feel the same way.
i just want to feel your heart beat against mine, and i know we've only just met, i know you will probably never come to this bookstore again,
but if you say no i will pretend that this is a letter to the galaxy
(my favorite constellation is the one stretching across your shoulders;
a thousand and one stars disguised as freckles
play connect the dots with ligaments and fissures)
i will pretend that you are not the sun in my solar system
and okay, maybe i'm being overdramatic but have you ever looked into someone's eyes
and wanted to memorize every fleck of gold you see
i wrote down the things i want to know about you, a wishlist ten miles long
with nothing but your name on it
i wonder how you'd react if i held your hand in public
the sea swelling up to meet us there are wires from my heart to yours
and i know there is approximately an 86.3% chance you will never see this love letter but i wished on a star for something real
and then i ran into you
(i'm sorry again. i hope you enjoy to **** a mockingbird. it's one of my favorites.)
i hope your hair is still a preposterous shade of blue because it makes your eyes look like constellations
do you want to form a galaxy with me?
to the girl i ran into yesterday, who wore bright pink flip flops and had a tattoo of a star on her left anklebone,
i think i'm in love with you
please reply at your earliest convenience.
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